

August 29, 2013

:Customize Your Windows 7 Start Menu Button:

Customize Your Windows 7 Start Menu Button

Windows users have been customizing their desktops in a variety of ways for years. Whether by downloading themes and backgrounds, or using third party applications to change more obscure settings like the default logon screen, many people seem intent on personalizing every aspect of their operating system to something that fits their individual taste. And what better to alter than an icon that's always visible?
While we don't mind the Windows 7 Start Menu icon, and actually feel it's somewhat of a leap forward from the rectangular buttons of old, swapping out the orb for a new icon is quick and painless with the help of Kishan-Bagaria's Windows 7 Start Orb Changer. Begin by downloading the utility here. Extract the main folder (W7SBC) anyplace you like and take a look at Must Read.txt for detailed instructions -- or read on for the general overview.
Leave all of the files in the W7SBC folder and run Windows 7 Start Button Changer.exe. Click Select & Change Start Button to browse for a new set of icons -- a few are included with the utility. Once selected, the program will backup explorer.exe and swap the icons. 

If you dislike the change, choose Restore Original Explorer Backup before repeating the steps above. Once your original explorer.exe is in place, continue swapping icons until you find something you like.

Windows x64 users: if you receive an "unhandled exception" error, the utility's creator suggests that you try to run it as an admin, so it's probably best to just do that from the get-go (right click on the program > Run as administrator). For what it's worth, I've used this tool trouble free on Windows 7 Home Premium x64 without running it as an admin.
You might find the base selection of icons limited, and unfortunately, I haven't found the perfect repository of orbs, but there are quite a few scattered around the Web -- especially on DeviantArt. Someone on SevenForums has also put together a useful collection of 213 orbs, so there's bound to be something you like there too.
If you find any other cool orbs or have another favorite Windows 7 customization, feel free to share them in the comments.
Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

:Change Blogger Template:

Change Blogger Template

To change your blog template first you need to download a template from internet which you want to apply to your blog. There are many sources of blogger template on the internet from where you can get lot of professional templates easily for free. Just go to Google and search for “Blogger Templates” and download a template of your choice. Once you have your template, perform below steps.
  1. Log in to your Blogger account.
  2. Now click on the drop down menu and choose Template.
  3. blog template
  4. Press Backup/Restore button located at the top right corner.
  5. backup restore button
  6. First you should download your existing template as a backup. So, click on “Download full template” button.
  7. download template
  8. Now click on Choose File button and choose your new template which you want to apply to your blog.
  9. choose template
  10. Once you select your template, simply click on Upload button for final step.
  11. You are done!
Note: If you just started your blog then you must read below tutorials to improve your blog performance.

Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

August 28, 2013

:Top 25 Fun Google Tricks:

Top 25 Fun Google Tricks

Maybe to help dispel the wacky notion that geeks are boring, or maybe to prove that Search isn’t all work and no play and Sergei and Larry are by no means dull boys, Google every-once-in-a-Google-Moon leavens their spam-fighting and user experience-enhancing with some honest-to-goodness, good clean Fun Google Tricks.
You probably know a few of these memes already — passed around the intarwebz ad infinitum as they often are — those quirky little tricks and pranks you never thought you’d see from such a serious search engine. Occasionally, we searchers stumble upon some quietly placed “Google Easter Egg,” or sometimes Google’s PR peeps publicize some brand spanking new Fun Google trick that spices up the user experience as much as it enhances it. Whichever it is, these Google Tricks are fun darnit, so have fun with them.
Meme junkies and time-wasters that we are here at Google Tricks, we’ve had our fair share of good times. And because we’re not greedy, and because we like to organize as a way to procrastinate, we’ve done the heavy lifting of gathering what we consider to be the Top 25 Fun Google tricks right here in one glorious and easy-to-read location on this page. If you like the cut of our jib, perhaps you’d be so kind as to like us on the you-know-what-book, or add a one to our G+ thingie. We’d be so happy and thankful if you did.
funny google gravity trick 
1. Google Gravity
Quite simply, this is Earth-bound physics “infused” into Google’s interface: with “gravity,” the visual elements you commonly find on the interface, such as the search bar, the “I’m feeing lucky” button, and everything else fall down like a stack of bricks on the bottom of the browser. You can even “pick up” and “throw” the search results at the “walls” or just simply mess with them. This is no longer implemented on Google, but you can still see how it worked through the link below.

2. Let me Google that for you
LMGTFY or Let Me Google That for You is a somewhat tongue-in-cheek service made for those of us who are too lazy to use Google. Upon entering a search query, instead of results, you get a link that you can then mail to your lazy recipient.
Clicking on the link launches the actual search: thus, in this perigrinatory manner, you have Googled it for them. All they have to do is click the link. A beautiful example of technology making things more complicated for us.
3. Google Chuck Norris
There was a time when the internet raged with all imaginable Chuck Norris jokes. So naturally, Google itself dipped its hand in the meme with the Chuck Norris Google Trick. Search “Chuck Norris,” and Google returns a familiar Chuck Norris joke: “Google won’t search for Chuck Norris because it knows you don’t find Chuck Norris, he finds you.”
4. God on Google Earth
Sometime in 2010, people around the world went “God crazy” when Google Earth supposedly had taken a “snapshot” of “divine beings” while crossing a mountain zone in Switzerland. There’s no definite answer, of course, but the buzz it created was testament to how the entire online community could get excited over a blurry photo, like they do with pictures of cats.
5. Google Pac-man
A treasure-trove of fun Google tricks won’t be complete without mentioning Google’s Pac-Man doodle. On May 22, 2010, the 30th anniversary of the classic game, people around the world woke up to a search engine sporting an actually playable mini-version of Pac-Man. And naturally, hundreds of millions of people spent hours playing the game, basically slowing down productivity to a halt.
6. Google Mirror
This fun Google trick simply displays a mirror image of everything you might see when doing a search on Google.

7. Google Hacker
Those who are familiar with the so-called language of hackers (1337 5p3@k or “leet speak”) may love using this Google trick to amuse haxor pals or confound the squares. Sure, the trick isn’t much trickier than  swapping letters for moderately analogous numbers or ASCII characters — e.g. “G” becomes “6″, “E” becomes “3″, “N” becomes “||”, etc — But it’s still fun symbol-play, and still somehow feels like a secret language, despite that we all now w00t every time we are overcome with joy.

8. Google Barrel Roll
A Fun Google trick that is still accessible today, the barrel roll means exactly as it says: make Google do a barrel roll. Simply type “Do a barrel roll” into the search bar and Google dutifully obeys. Warning: This Especially Fun Google Trick is known to make babies cry and grown men squeal with delight.
9. Google Rainbow
Like a handful of the other Fun Google Tricks included in this list, this third-party website that has no official affiliation with Google but only offers its two cents in letting people experience the search engine in a delightful way. If you like colors, this site delivers it—although it may remind you more of the internet circa early-1990s, with all its animated GIFs.
10. Google Sphere
Google Sphere turns every little element you commonly see on Google’s homepage into a swirling “sphere.” It’s pretty cool, but it’s no longer implemented on Google. To see how it once worked, just visit the link below.
11. Google Spam
Probably not an actual Google trick but more a manifestation of how Google offers users related information. In the folders in your Gmail account, you usually see a one-line text advertisement from Adsense. But in the Spam folder, what you’ll see is a real Spam recipe—yes, it’s a recipe for something you can actually eat.
google askew 
12. Google Tilt or Askew
Typing the word “tilt” or “askew” on Google (specifically if you’re using the Chrome or Safari browser) commands the search engine to “tilt” the whole screen slightly to the right.
13. Dragon Slayer
Those who use Google Docs will find this mildly amusing. If you create or open any spreadsheet, pressing Shift+F12 pops up a message that says: “Dragon slain! Congratulations, you’ve slain the dragon! ]B=8}”.
14. Google Ninja
Who doesn’t love ninjas? Google definitely does. If you’re using your Google Reader feed, press the keys “up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A” and a ninja (or a couple of them) appear!
15. All the Google Doodles
Over the years, Google has released several of its “doodles”—a temporary re-design of the Google logo made as a tribute to a historical event or the birthday of someone who has changed the world for the better. Through the link below, you’ll find all of the Google Doodles, not only the American versions.
16. Recursion
Type “recursion” into the Google search bar and Google in return asks, rather recursively: “Did you mean recursion?”
17. Google’s Nessie
Use the beach theme with your iGoogle homepage, then very patiently sit there and wait until the clock strikes 3:14 AM. Or you can just more the clock forward and see the monster” that comes out. If you actually waited several hours until 3:14 AM, finally seeing the monster might not totally amuse you.
18. Flight Simulator
What started as an Easter egg became so well-loved that Google eventually turned it into a regular feature of Google Earth. Just click Tools > Enter Flight Simulator, and you’re off to make a round-the-world tour. It would have been more awesome if Google Earth also has a “rocket launcher” feature with unlimited ammo to go with it, but maybe next time.
19. Google MentalPlex
One of the earliest (if not, the earliest) Google April Fool’s joke (this one surfaced in 2000) is the Google MentalPlex. Instead of typing their queries into the search bar, unwitting users were “invited” to just “think” their questions while gazing intently into the MentalPlex circle (apparently to allow Google enough time to “read” your brain signals and transform them into actual search engine queries), then click into the circle to see the results. Even Google’s CEO and co-founder Larry Page called MentalPlex “a quantum leap in finding what you are looking for on the Internet. Typing in queries is so 1999.” It was fun. Especially if you remember that this was the early days of Google, long before the billion-dollar behemoth called Adsense and what-have-you.
20. Google Anagram
Step 1: Type “anagram” into the Google search bar. Step 2: Google asks if you in fact mean “nag a ram.” Step 3: Proceed to LOL.
21. The disappearing “OO”
This is not really a Google fun trick per se, but you can wow your clueless friend with this little “magic.” Click anywhere on the white space of the Dark Arts page (URL in linked title above), then pretend to rub your two fingers on the two OO’s on the Google logo for 2 to 3 seconds, and the O’s will vanish. To bring it back, do the same thing: Click anywhere again and the OO’s will reappear, after which you will be redirected to the real Google.
22. Annoying Google
The “Annoying Google” trick is not really annoying under normal circumstances. Even if you’re in a hurry, Annoying Google’s way of messing up the words as you type them (randomly changing from upper-case to lower-case) is not really annoying. But if you want to see this in action and determine for yourself if it’s really annoying or simply mildly amusing, visit the link below.
23. Epic Google
Epic Google is Google on steroids — not the enhanced performance however, just the obscene bulk. Once the page loads, the logo, search bar, “Search” and “I’m Feeling Excessive” buttons, all swell until they either float off the page or you type a search and get the heck outta there.
24. Weenie Google
Weenie Google is the flip side of Epic Google. Once the page loads, the logo, search bar, “Search” and “I’m Feeling Inadequate” buttons,immediately begin to shrink to inscrutable and barely-usable sizes. Is fun, no?
25. Chicken Rolling
“Rick-rolling” is a popular prank that involves redirecting the unwitting user to a video of music artist Rick Astley singing one of his hit songs (most often “Never Gonna Give You Up”). Chicken-rolling, on the other hand, is like Rick-rolling, but with one dancing man eating fried chicken legs. To subject your unwitting friend to this prank, type the code “2204355” then click “I’m feeling lucky.” See what happens

Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

: Backup your Facebook Data in 5 Easy Steps:

 Backup your Facebook Data in 5 Easy Steps

There are various reasons, why we need to always take backup of our Facebook Account!

  • Lots of important status we need to keep for future reference
  • Hundreds of photos we uploaded on Facebook
  • Our Friends and huge contact list we have maintained
  • Our likes and favorite pages 


How to Take Backup of your Facebook Data

backup facebook account data

 # 1. Login to your Facebook Account

# 2. Goto Account settings and find Download Facebook Data option

# 3. Select which kind of download you wants to do, you may select expanded download option for detail download options. You can always click "Learn more"  to get exact idea on what it downloads

# 4. Confirm your Download

Once you click "Start My Archieve" you will receive confirmation that Facebook team will send an email to you with your account information and that you can download from email.

# 5. Open your backup and extract information and photos

Once you get email from Facebook, you will get a folder named your username and that contains two sub folders named HTML and Photos. HTML folder contains your likes, status, Friends and their email addresses (if provided) etc. and Photos contains all your photos on Facebook.

So, now you are ready with the backup of your Facebook. In case you lose your Facebook account because of any reasons, you are now safe as your Facebook backup is handy with you.

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EnjOy... )
Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

August 27, 2013

:Free Windows XP Mode as a VMware Virtual Machine:

Free Windows XP Mode as a VMware Virtual Machine

It’s becoming hard to obtain a licensed copy of Windows XP. Yet, many IT professionals, including malware analysts, like having Windows XP in their virtualized labs. After all, Windows XP is still running on numerous personal and business systems. Fortunately, you can download a virtualized instance of Windows XP from Microsoft for free if you are running Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise, or Ultimate on your base system.
Microsoft calls this virtualized instance of Windows XP “Windows XP Mode,” and distributes it in the Windows Virtual PC format. If you prefer to use VMware Workstation or VMware Player instead of Virtual PC, follow instructions below.
Download Windows XP Mode from Microsoft. You’ll need to go through the Windows validation wizard to confirm you’re running a licensed copy of the appropriate version of Windows 7. You’ll have the option of downloading and installing Windows Virtual PC software, but you don’t need it if you’ll be using VMware.

Install the downloaded Windows XP Mode executable. The installation wizard will give you a chance to specify where the files installed, placing them in “C:\Program Files\Windows XP Mode” by default. This folder will contain, among other files, the 1GB+ file “Windows XP Mode base.vhd” representing the hard drive of the Windows XP virtual machine.

Launch VMware Workstation or Player. Go to the File > Import Windows XP Mode VM menu.

VMware will launch the wizard that will automatically create the Windows XP VMware virtual machine using the Windows XP Mode files you installed in the previous step.

Using VMware Workstation or Player, power on the Windows XP Mode virtual machine that VMware created. Go through the Windows XP setup wizard the same way you would do it for a regular Windows XP system.

At this point, you should have a VMware virtual machine running Windows XP. It will be connected to the network using the VMWare “NAT” mode, so if your base system has Internet access, so would the virtual machine.
There two other ways of obtaining Windows virtual machines, both using Windows Virtual PC. In both cases, you can download Windows Virtual PC files and convert them into the VMware format by using VMware vCenter Converter or by using File > Import or Export… in VMware Workstation. You can download Windows XP, Vista and 7 virtual machines from Microsoft’s Internet Explorer Application Compatibility VPC Image page. You can also download Windows XP and Vista VMs from the NIST Federal Desktop Core Configuration FDCC page. You’ll need to supply valid Windows licenses to activate these OS instances; you may be able to use them for some time period in a limited manner without activation.


August 25, 2013

:How To Use Photoshop To Change Colors in an Image:

How To Use Photoshop To Change Colors in an Image

Many times I find that some of the colors in a photo are not suitable for use with a site’s color scheme. To solve this problem, I use Photoshop to change the photo's colors to better suit my application.
I'll be showing you some simple re-coloring techniques on a small scale, but they can be expanded for a wide range of effects. I'm using Adobe Photoshop CS5 but the latest version or even the free Paint.NET could be used to create these effects. 

This is the photo I'll be using in this tutorial: 

Photos are courtesy of
To start, create a new layer & name it "eyes", this is where the coloring will take place. 

Make sure the background layer is selected and take your pen tool, (be sure the "paths" option is selected in the top left corner), and start to click all around the eye, tracing it and connecting your loop at the end.

When both eyes are traced around completely, right-click inside one of them and select the "make selection" option. This will then bring up a window where you can change the feather radius to 1 or 2. Depending how effective your tracing was, if it was closer to the outside edge, use 1, if further in, use 2, then click "OK". 

After you click "OK" the line around the eye should now be a blinking/moving line. If this is so, we will now desaturate (remove color from) the eyes. To do this you can press Shift + Ctrl + U, or select it by going to the Image tab > Adjustments > Desaturate. 

Without deselecting the eyes, select the "eyes" layer. Now, use the color picker and select the color you want.

Once the color is chosen, select the paint bucket tool and fill in the eyes. (Note: both eyes should be selected & if this is the case, painting one eye should automatically paint the other selected area.) 

Now, deselect the eyes by hitting Ctrl +D or, Select tab > Deselect. Go to the top of the layer window, click the drop down menu, and click the "soft light" option. 

If the coloring seems a bit fake looking, play around with the opacity on the layer box, reduce it a little to tone it down if the color is too vibrant. 

You can continue doing the same process for most other things such as the lips, coat, etc. Just remember to make a new layer for each. And while you are in the desaturating process, once the item is selected, make sure the background layer is the one that is selected.
I did the lips in the following screen shots, but skipped the desaturating process and went straight to color after selection. 

Selected and colored: 

Selecting the "soft light" option: 

Also, if the color seems to go too far outside of the specified area, you can select the areas layer (eyes, lips, etc.) and use the eraser slightly around the edges.
Doing this on a few other areas such as the hair, coat and background, you can end up with something like this: 

Well that's all there is it! Hopefully you will be able to look at pictures in a whole new way, knowing that you don't have to just accept them as they are. You can enhance them to look just how you want them with a few simple steps.


August 22, 2013

:How to Design an iPhone Music Player App Interface With Photoshop CS6:

How to Design an iPhone Music Player App Interface With Photoshop CS6

Tutorial Details
  • Apps Used: Adobe Photoshop CS6
  • Difficulty: Intermediate
  • Estimated Completion Time: 2 - 3 Hours

Final Product What You'll Be Creating

Download Source
Photoshop CS6 is a much more powerful vector editing application than its predecessors. In this tutorial, we will show you how to use these new features to create an iPhone music player app interface in both the original iPhone resolution, as well as retina without having to repeat the same process for both designs. Let’s get started!

Step 1

Create a new file. Set Width to 320px and Height to 480px.

Step 2

In this step we are going to create the background. There is a new easier way of creating vector shapes in Photoshop CS6 and we are going to use that method through out the whole tutorial.
Create a new group and name it “Background.” Select the Rectangle Tool (R) and in the Options Bar set the Tool Mode to Shape, then click on the button just next to it to choose the Shape Fill Type. From the list of fill types select the Gradient button. Set all the values the same as the values that are highlighted on the image below. Use the colors #3F4042 and #303133 for the gradient.
Click anywhere on the canvas. When the Create Rectangle window pops out, just click OK and make sure the dimensions are set to 700x700px. Name the newly created layer “Background.”
Press Cmd/Ctrl + A to select the whole canvas, select the Move Tool (V) and then in the Options Bar click on the Align Horizontal Centers and Align Bottom Edges Buttons.
Double click the layer thumbnail on the layer “Background” and make sure the Dither check-box is checked. This way you’ll get a smooth gradient without banding.

Step 3

Open statusbar.psd in Photoshop and import the Status Bar group to your working PSD. Use the method mentioned above to align the group “Status Bar” – Press Cmd/Ctrl + A to select the whole canvas and while using the Move Tool (V) click on the Align Horizontal Centers and Align Top Edges buttons.

Step 4

Create a new group below the group “Status Bar” and name it “Navigation Bar.” Select the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) and set the properties as shown on the image below. Use #5F8F1D and #99B83D for the gradient. Click anywhere on the canvas and click OK when the Create Rounded Rectangle window pops out. Name the newly created layer “Nav Bg.”
Align the layer horizontally to the center and vertically just below the status bar as shown below.
Select the Rectangle Tool (U) and draw a rectangle shape similar to the one that is shown below, but make sure this shape covers just the bottom part of the layer “Nav Bg.” I used the No color option for the Shape Fill Type.
Using the Path Selection Tool (A) select the newly created shape. Press Cmd/Ctrl + C to copy the shape to the clipboard. Now select the layer “Nav Bg” in the Layers panel and hit Cmd/Ctrl + V. Now the shape is pasted onto the layer “Nav Bg.”
With the Path Selection Tool (A) still on, click the Path Operations button in the Options Bar and then select Subtract Front Shape.
Now click again on the Path Operations button and then select Merge Shape Components.
Using the Direct Selection Tool (A) select the two bottom points and move them until the height of the shape is 43px.
Apply the following layer style to the layer “Nav Bg”:

Step 5

Using the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) draw a shape with the properties that are shown below. Use Solid Color for the Shape Fill Type. Name the newly created layer “Settings Bg.”
Apply the following layer style:
Move “Settings Bg” so its vertically aligned to the center of “Nav Bg” and horizontally 6px from the right edge of the canvas.
Open icons.psd and move the layer “Settings” to your PSD. Align the icon horizontally and vertically to the center of “Settings Bg.”
Apply the following layer style:

Step 6

Using the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) draw a shape with the properties that are shown below. Use Solid Color for the Shape Fill Type. Name the newly created layer “Back Bg.”
Using the Add Anchor Point Tool add one anchor point on the left side of the rectangle and 14px below the top edge.
Using the Convert Point Tool click on the same anchor point.
Now select the Direct Selection Tool (A) and move the point 10px to the left.
With the Direct Selection Tool (A) still on select the two anchor points that are highlighted on the image below and move them 1px to the left. Then select the Convert Point Tool and click on each of the two anchor points.
Align the shape vertically to the center of “Nav Bg” and horizontally 6px from the left edge of the canvas.

Step 7

Now that we are finished with the drawing of the shape, we can add a style to it. Right click on the layer “Settings Bg” and select Copy Layer Style, then right click on the layer “Back Bg” and select Paste Layer Style.
Add text to the button using the parameters from the image below. I used the font Helvetica Neue. Align the text to the center of the shape and copy the layer style from the layer “Settings.”
Add title text using the parameters from the image below and align it to the center of the navigation bar.

Step 8

Create a new group below the group “Navigation Bar” and name it “Position.” Select the Rectangle Tool (U) and set the properties as shown on the image below, then click somewhere on the canvas. Use #2E2F30 and #494A4C for the gradient. Name the layer “Position Bg.”
Place the shape below the Navigation Bar, but make sure there is one-pixel gap between them. Align the shape horizontally to the center of the canvas.
Apply the following layer style to the shape:

Step 9

Select the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) and set the properties as shown on the image below, then click somewhere on the canvas. Set the Radius to some higher value. I used 50px.
Name the layer “Position Empty” and align it, both horizontally and vertically, to the center of the layer “Position Bg.”
Apply the following layer style:
Select the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) and set the properties as shown on the image below, then click somewhere on the canvas. Use #85AD2A, #A0D028 and #B6D028 for the gradient. Again, set the Radius to some higher value. Name this layer “Position Full.”
Align the shape as its shown on the image below, but make sure there is a two-pixel gap on all sides between the shape and the layer “Position Empty.”
Apply the following layer style to the shape:

Step 10

Select the Ellipse Tool (U) and set the properties as shown on the image below, then click somewhere on the canvas. Use #444547 and #5C5E61 for the gradient. Name this layer “Handle.”
Align this shape so it covers the right edge of the layer “Position Full.”
Apply the following layer style:
Select again the Ellipse Tool (U) and set the properties as shown on the image below, then click somewhere on the canvas. Use #636669 and #38393B for the gradient. Name this layer “Handle Circle.”
Align the shape to the center of the layer “Handle.”
Add text for the time. Use Helvetica Neue, Bold. The size is 10pt and the color #B2B2B2. Align the text as shown on the image below.

Step 11

Create a new group and name it “Playback Controls.” Using the Ellipse Tool (U) draw a circle with dimensions 50x50px. Don’t pay attention to the other parameters. Name the new layer “Play Bg.”
Expand the group “Position”, right-click the layer “Handle” and select Copy Shape Attributes from the menu.
Go back to the group “Playback Controls”, right-click on the layer “Play Bg” and select Paste Shape Attributes from the menu. This is a new feature in Photoshop CS6. This way instead of setting up all the attributes for Shape Fill Type, like gradient colors, angle etc. we are copying those attributes from the layer “Handle”, since we are using the same values for the newly created layer.
Align the layer horizontally to the center of the canvas and vertically 20px below “Position Bg.”
Apply the following layer style:

Step 12

Right-click the layer “Play Bg” and select Duplicate Layer. Name the new layer “Fast Backward Bg.”
Using the Path Selection Tool (A) click on the layer “Fast Backward Bg” and change the dimensions in the Options Bar to 34x34px.
Align the layer vertically to the center of “Play Bg” and horizontally 8px to the left.
Duplicate “Fast Backward Bg” and name the new layer “Fast Forward Bg.” Align the layer the same as the previous one, but this time on the right side.

Step 13

Create a new circle shape with the parameters from the image below. Use #46484A and #2C2D2E for the gradient. Make sure the newly created layer is below all the other layers in the group “Playback Controls.”
Name the layer “Playback Bg” and align it both horizontally and vertically to the center of “Play Bg”
Duplicate “Playback Bg” and reduce the size to 48x48px, using the method that we used in Step 12. Align the layer to the center of “Fast Backward Bg.”
Now duplicate the layer again and align it to the center of “Fast Forward Bg.”
Import the layers “Fast Backward”, “Play” and “Fast Forward” from icons.psd. Align the icons as shown on the image below.
Select the three icon layers by holding Cmd/Ctrl on the keyboard and clicking on each layer accordingly. Set the opacity to 85%.
Import the layers “Speaker” and “Repeat” from icons.psd. Align the icons as shown below.
The imported icons are filled with solid color, but we are going to apply a gradient to them. Using the Path Selection Tool (A) select the layer “Speaker” and set the parameters from the image below. Use the colors #6B6C70 and #797B80 for the gradient.
Copy the attributes from the speaker icon with the Copy Shape Attributes option and paste them to the repeat icon.
Apply the following layer style to the speaker and repeat icons:

Step 14

In this step we are going to place the album covers in our design. After the importing we are going to convert them to smart objects and reduce the size of the smart objects by 50%. We are doing this because in the final tutorial step the file will be resized to the retina resolution. This way we won’t lose the quality of the raster images after resizing to retina.
Open albumcover-02.jpg and import the image to your PSD.
Convert the layer to smart object by going to Layer > Smart Objects > Convert to Smart Object. Press Cmd/Ctrl + T on the keyboard to transform the layer. Reduce the size to 50%. Name this layer “Album Cover Center.”
Align the layer horizontally to the center of the canvas and vertically 20px below the layer “Play Bg.”
Using the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) draw a shape with the parameters shown below. Set the size to 180x180px. Use No Color for the Shape Fill Type and set the radius to 3px.
Align the shape exactly on top of the album cover image.
Now apply the shape to the album cover image by dragging the mouse cursor from the thumbnail of the rounded rectangle layer to the thumbnail of the layer “Album Cover Center”, while holding the Cmd/Ctrl + Alt keys on your keyboard. After you are done with the copying, delete the layer with the rounded rectangle, since we don’t need it anymore.

Step 15

Open albumcover-01.jpg and import the image to your PSD, convert it to smart object and resize to 50%. Align the cover vertically to the center of the layer “Album Cover Center” and horizontally 40px to the left. Name the layer “Album Cover Left.”
Using the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) draw a shape with the parameters shown below. This time set the size to 160x160px. Use No Color for the Shape Fill Type and set the radius to 3px.
Copy the rounded rectangle shape to the layer “Album Cover Left” using the same method for the center cover. After you are done, delete the layer with the rounded rectangle.
Open albumcover-03.jpg and import it to your PSD. Repeat the same procedure that we used for the left cover, but this time align the image on the right side as shown below.

Step 16

Apply the following layer style to the center cover:
Copy the layer style from the center cover and paste it to the other two covers. Now select both the left and right cover layers and set the Fill to 50%.
Insert a text for the playing song title. Place it few pixels below the center cover.
Insert another line of text for the playing song author. Align both lines to the center.

Step 18

Using the Rectangle Tool (U) draw a shape with the parameters shown below. Use #292A2B and #38393B for the gradient.
Align the shape to the bottom left corner of the canvas.
Using the Add Anchor Point Tool add two anchor points and set the distances as shown on the image.
Select the two anchor points that are highlighted on the image and move them 6px upwards.
Using the Direct Selection Tool (A) drag the direction lines so they look similar to the ones that are previewed below.

Step 19

In this step we’ll complete the tab bar background by duplicating and mirroring the path that we created in the previous step.
Duplicate the layer and flip it horizontally by going to Edit > Transform Path > Flip Horizontal.
Move the duplicated layer exactly to the bottom right corner of the canvas. One important notice: Make sure that there is no gap between the two shapes.
Now select both layers as shown on the image, right-click and select Merge Shapes.
This should be the resulting shape. As you can see there is a vertical line in the middle of the shape. This means that we have two shapes in one layer which are not fully merged.
Using the Path Selection Tool (A) click on the shape layer, click on the Path Operations button in the Options Bar and select Merge Shape Components. Now you have the two shapes fully merged. Name this layer “Tab Bar Bg.”
If we select the Direct Selection (A) we’ll notice that there are some unnecessary anchor points that were created during the merging of the shapes. Always try to keep your paths clean of unneeded points.
In order to delete these anchor points select the Delete Anchor Point Tool and click on the two anchor points respectively.
Apply the following layer style to “Tab Bar Bg”:

Step 20

In this step we’ll create guides which will help us align the tab bar icons more easily.
Using the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) make a 60px wide selection starting from the left side of the canvas.
Now drag a guide from the left ruler and place it on the right edge of the selection. Make sure that the option for snapping to guides is turned on. You can find this by going to View > Snap To > Guides.
Repeat the previous procedure to place the other guides. Set the distances as shown on the image below.
Drag two horizontal guides from the top ruler and set the distances as shown on the image.

Step 21

Drag the layer “Home” from the icons.psd file.
Using the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) make a selection that snaps to the guides like the ones below.
Using the Move Tool (V) click on the Align Vertical Centers and Align Horizontal Centers buttons in the Options Bar.
Type the text “Home” with the following parameters:
Align the text vertically near the bottom guide and horizontally to the center of the icon.

Step 22

Repeat Step 21 for the other icons and text (Favorites, Playlists and Search). Use the image below for reference.

Step 23

Using the Rectangle Tool (U) draw a shape with the parameters from the image below. Use #5F8F1D and #99B83D for the gradient.
Align the shape so its top edge is touching the upper horizontal guide and horizontally to the center of the tab bar. Name the layer “Now Playing Bg.”
Apply the following layer style:
Drag the layer “Now Playing” from the icons.psd file and change the fill color of the layer to #000000.
Apply the following layer style:
Align the icon horizontally to the center of “Now Playing Bg” and vertically few pixels below its top edge.
Type the text “Now Playing” with the following parameters:
Align the text again horizontally to the center of the button and vertically few pixels below the icon. Copy the layer style from the Now Playing icon.

Step 24

We are finished with the creation of all the elements of the design. But we have one final step left, and that is scaling the file to retina.
Scaling to the retina resolution is very easy and it only takes one step. Go to Image > Image Size and set the values as shown below. Make sure that all of the highlighted parameters are set exactly the same as on the image.
This should be the result after resizing the image to the retina resolution.
Tip:Always try to draw the elements in your designs with vector shapes, just as we did in this tutorial. That way you can easily customize them and you won’t lose on quality when scaling to retina.


In this tutorial, we have shown you how to create an iPhone application interface in Photoshop using its new vector editing capabilities. In addition, we have shown how you can use these techniques to create an iPhone application that is compatible with the original resolution device as well as its retina resolution counterpart.
