

Showing posts with label ISO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ISO. Show all posts

May 12, 2014

Samsung Will Have to Pay Apple $120 Million

Samsung Will Have to Pay Apple $120 Million

A US jury has recently ordered Samsung to pay almost $120 million to Apple for smartphone patent violations, though it is much less than iPhone-maker initially wanted and marked a big loss for Apple in the latest round of the two companies’ litigation.


Apple have accusing Samsung of violating patents on smartphone features for a while now, trying to claim it was Steve Jobs who invented everything. In response, Samsung denied warongdoing. In result of one of the trials, which took place in the United States, the jury found Samsung infringed two Apple patents.

The two companies have been fighting in courts across the globe for several years now. Jurors awarded Apple about $930 million after a trial in the US two years ago, but the company failed to persuade American district judge to issue a permanent injunction against the sale of Samsung phones in the United States.

Industry experts think that Apple is just trying to curtail the rapid growth of phones based on Google’s rival Android software. It is known that Samsung was by far the largest adopter of this mobile OS. Despite the fact that this verdict is large compared to others, it can’t be regarded as a victory for Apple. The matter is that this award is less than 10% of the amount Apple requested, and may even not surpass the amount of money the company spent litigating this case.

The latest lawsuit involves 5 Apple patents that weren’t at issue at that trial two years ago and cover such iPhone features as slide-to-unlock and search technology. The iPhone-maker had sought to ban sales of a number of Samsung phones, including the Galaxy S3, and demanded over $2 billion in damages.

Apple claimed that the recent ruling reinforced its stance that Samsung stole its ideas and copied its products. This situation led some experts to question if patent litigation was a viable strategy, as it can be abused and hinder innovation. The supporters of this point of view believe that litigation can help innovators protect their IP and benefit from it.

Samsung argued that Apple had exaggerated the importance of its iPhone features, while Apple argued that the Korean company couldn’t have competed in the smartphone market without copying iPhone.
In the trial two years ago, by the way, it was also found that Apple had infringed one of Samsung’s patents, and the Galaxy-maker was awarded $158,400
EnjOy.. :)
Bugs 0f Techn0l0gy

October 31, 2013

:Windows 8 Enterprise 32Bit (x86) & 64Bit (x64) ISO Full + CRACK ACTIVATOR:

Windows 8 Enterprise 32Bit (x86) & 64Bit (x64) ISO Full + CRACK ACTIVATOR

Meet the worlds personalized Operating System (Windows 8 Enterprise) thats compatible with the most advanced desktops, tablets and mobile devices on the market today. Windows 8 is So Much Smarter and Super Faster Than Windows 7. After Using Windows 8 I Feel a Better Experience than Windows 7. It is soft easy and more faster than Vista and 7. So Try New Windows 8 Final Version and Discover The New Technology.
Windows 8 works on the same hardware that powers Windows 7: Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster
RAM: 1 gigabyte (GB) (32-bit) or 2 GB (64-bit)
Hard disk space: 16 GB (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit)
Graphics card: Microsoft DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM driver
Additional requirements to use certain features:
-To use touch, you need a tablet or a monitor that supports multitouch.
-To access the Windows Store and to download and run apps, you need an active Internet connection and a screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768.
-To snap apps, you need a screen resolution of at least 1366 x 768.
-Internet access (ISP fees might apply)
-Microsoft account (LiveID) required for some features
-Some features such as touch and Client Hyper-V may require advanced or Windows 8 certified hardware
Install Notes:
1. Install Windows 8 Ent as trial evaluation from Microsoft Server.
2. Go to Windows 8 Activator folder then right mouse click "Install.cmd" then select to "Run as administrator" when done Windows will logoff when you login Windows 8 will be activated.
NOTE: Windows may logoff more than once don't worry

UsePower Shell to display the information below
1. Current licensing status = slmgr -dlv
2. Activation information = slmgr -dli
3. Expiration date = slmgr -xpr

Click to download Windows 8 Enterprise 32bit-64bit Crack Activator ONLY [8 MB]

Click to download Windows 8 Enterprise 32bit-64bit TRIAL [3 GB]
Bugs Of Techn0l0gy