

Showing posts with label tip. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tip. Show all posts

March 26, 2014

:Skype For Outlook Now Available Worldwide, Adds HD Video Calling Support:

Skype For Outlook Now Available Worldwide, Adds HD Video Calling Support

Skype for, the integration of Skype’s messaging features into Microsoft’s webmail platform, is now available worldwide, the company is announcing this morning. To get started with the feature, users must first download a web browser plugin, which is available for IE, Chrome, Firefox and now, Safari, browsers.
Afterwards, those who already have Skype accounts can link them to Outlook. If you haven’t yet signed up for Skype, you can instead use your Microsoft account to sign in.
Once installed, Skype users can place video and audio calls right from their email inbox. And today, Microsoft notes that’s it’s also adding support for HD video calling for PC users, while also fixing earlier bugs some users had experienced with calls continuing to ring after pick-up when they were running the plugin and Skype on their desktop at the same time.
The HD calling feature only works when users have compatible HD displays, web cams, messaging clients, and broadband internet, Microsoft notes.
The company had previously introduced Skype for in a preview mode for select markets last year, including the U.S., U.K., Germany, France, Brazil and Canada. Now Microsoft is making the service available worldwide, though presumably, this could still be a staged rollout.
The integration offers a Microsoft-flavored competitor to Google’s Gmail + Hangouts features, which also combines a messaging and voice client in users inboxes, in Google’s case, Gmail. As for Microsoft, the combination of the two services could lead to a wider footprint for both Outlook and Skype, the former of which has over 400 million users.
Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

March 10, 2014

:Flickr Co-Founder Launches Findery App:

Caterina Fake is the mind behind the massively popular Flickr photo-sharing site and is looking to eliminate that historical chain with a new location map-based social discovery platform, called Findery.

Findery is currently available on iOS, it becomes clear that the world is meant to be viewed by the user as a blank canvas that is ready for you to fully explore.  You can explore geo-tagged notes on a map to learn about places through experiences from different people from across the planet. Users of the app can post public or private notes with historical data, personalized stories via text, images, videos, and sound clips. The app will then cleverly annotate and then organize the information based on the location.


The social network side of the app, uses your current location to bring up appealing notes in the user’s immediate vicinity, thereby making it simple to find stories and pictures relevant to your own experience.  For example, you are exploring the historic city of Edinburgh in Scotland or you are visiting the Grand Canyon in the USA, all you need to do is open the Findery app to find out what previous visitors found of interest in those areas.  ”Every place has a story, or a thousand stories…Findery brings places to life, be they where you stand or where you hope to go,” Fake said in a statement.

Members are also able to create something called ‘Notemaps’ whih is a collection of notes about a location, topic or theme such as “Stag Party Blackpool” or “Blues in Chicago”.  This can then serve as either a travel diary or simply a record of your journey.  The app launches initially in English, although Findery have said they will support more languages this year. Findery is available now for free to download in the Apple iTunes Store.

If you have any sensible comments regarding this story, please leave your comments in the section below.
Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

March 07, 2014

:Microsoft Office Web Apps Now Officially Office Online:

Microsoft Office Web Apps Now Officially Office Online

It’s re branding time at Microsoft, it seems. The official statement about SkyDrive being re branded to OneDrive has barely made the rounds, and we’re now seeing another change. This time, it’s Office Web Apps, which is now called Office Online. It’s not that this move has been kept a secret, as there were hints in the past weeks, but now, it’s the real deal.
Office Online is basically the web-based versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote. I think all of us can agree that Microsoft Office is one of the strongest – if not the strongest           – suite of software for its niche, and the web-based version can carry its own weight as well.

Office Online

Why the re branding?

Perhaps it’a all a part of spreading more awareness for the product. As you may have surmised, Office Online (even back when it had a different name) led a quiet existence. Microsoft didn’t really promote it much, although the service is free. Or maybe, it is exactly because of that that Office Online was not highlighted.

One very noticeable thing about the new look is how the most popular software is highlighted from the get go. You’ll also notice the inclusion of OneDrive.
In any case, the re branding can only serve to make users aware of this alternative online collaboration, especially those who want no issues with compatibility. Additionally, humans are creatures of habit, and I am willing to bet that the average Microsoft Office user will want to see the exact same thing (layout, etc.) if they use an online version of a piece of software. And yes, Office Online does look nice, too.
With Office Online now live, I wonder how this will affect usage statistics of Google Drive? If you’re a user of the latter, and you regularly use Microsoft Office, would you consider switching to Office Online now?
Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

:Use Yahoo Video Chats? You May Have Been Spied On:

Use Yahoo Video Chats? You May Have Been Spied On

Everyday, it seems, there is new information released that makes individuals question how private their “private” lives really are. If it’s not revelations about the NSA intercepting our telephone calls and/or our emails, it seems to be something along those same lines. Unfortunately, in the year 2014, it doesn’t even seem like it’s even a remote possibility to have a private life. After all, if you own a smartphone you can most likely be found wherever you are. It seems all of the technology that is helping us run forward is also tying our hands behind our backs.

Edward Snowden shocked the world when we he released all of the confidential documents he “obtained” from the NSA. Even with all of the information he initially gave to the media, NSA officials were worried that more of their practices would eventually come to light. It turns out their fears weren’t without merit, as information about a British spy program known as Optic Nerve has recently been brought out into the open.

If You Used Yahoo Webcam Chats, You Might Have Been Spied On

No, Not That Optic Nerve

It turns out that Optic Nerve is the codename for a surveillance program operated by Britain’s GCHQ (with help from the NSA). In an attempt to use facial recognition to catch terrorists and other wanted individuals, the images from 1.8 million users of Yahoo video chats from 2008 to 2010 were collected and stored on GCHQ’s servers. Obviously, most all of the images had nothing to do with terrorism whatsoever.
And, of all of the images stored, there were many images besides people’s faces, as it turns out that a large number of sexually explicit images from the video chats were also stored on the servers.
When Yahoo recently found out about this invasion of privacy, they were not at all happy about it, saying it was a total invasion of their users’ privacy rights, and stating they had no prior knowledge of the spying.
Does this news surprise you at all?

Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

February 27, 2014

:Bugs Fixed in Stable Channel Update For Google Chrome:

Bugs Fixed in Stable Channel Update For Google Chrome

Google Chrome has dominated the browser market and eventually become the most used browser globally since being released six year ago. Google has worked hard to develop and refine Chrome, resulting in a fast and secure browser that can be tailored and customized to suit the user.
In Version 33.0.1750.117 of Chrome, Google has been able to fix a number of security issues, some of which were highlighted by external sources.

Google Chrome

In total, twenty eight bugs were fixed, ranging from an issue with relative paths in Windows sandbox, to a problem with an information leak in the XSS auditor.  

Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

:Latest Version Of CCleaner is Available Now:

CCleaner from Piriform is likely the most popular freeware cleaner out there thanks to the fact that it is quick and easy to use. Effectively CCleaner gives your computer a good spring clean, removing cookies, temporary files and any other unused data that clogs up your PC, slowing it down. Once CCleaner has worked its magic, your computer’s system can run faster and enable you to have a more secure internet browsing experience.

Piriform’s latest update, Version 4.11, sees improvements to the File Finder tool. Included is an option to find duplicate files based on file content, as well as a new upper file size threshold, which will further narrow a duplicate file search.


Version 4.11 also features an improvement to the way the Driver Wiper detects SSD drives.
Other changes made to CCleaner include:
  •     Added Opera 15 and newer Startup item management
  •     Added File content duplicate detection to File Finder
  •     Improved Drive Wiper SSD detection
  •     Added Torch Browser support
  •     Added File Finder upper file size threshold
  •     Optimized Firefox Profile Startup items detection
  •     Improved Scheduler language support (Professional only)
  •     Improved Google Earth, Winamp, MusicMatch Jukebox and Windows Live Messenger  cleaning
  •     Minor GUI Improvements
  •     Minor bug fixes
Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

February 23, 2014

::WhatsApp Goes Down Indefinitely, Social Media Explodes::

I was in the middle of a conversation on WhatsApp just an hour back when I realised that the messages had stopped going through. While I was led into believing that my internet connection was probably messed up, I went on to Twitter. Only to find #R.I.P WhatsApp trending worldwide, which proves it that WhatsApp indeed is down indefinitely as of right now.

The social media has exploded over the situation as we speak. Everyone has an opinion of their own, rather conclusions, towards this situation. A majority seems to be believing that Facebook intends to meddle with WhatsApp’s operations and quite possibly harm them, or according to the masses, shut them down. Let’s show you some of the more interesting, and outrageous Tweets and posts over Twitter and Facebook.
- See more at:
WhatsApp Goes Down Indefinitely, Social Media Explodes - See more at:
WhatsApp Goes Down Indefinitely, Social Media Explodes
I was in the middle of a conversation on WhatsApp just an hour back when I realised that the messages had stopped going through. While I was led into believing that my internet connection was probably messed up, I went on to Twitter. Only to find #R.I.P WhatsApp trending worldwide, which proves it that WhatsApp indeed is down indefinitely as of right now.

The social media has exploded over the situation as we speak. Everyone has an opinion of their own, rather conclusions, towards this situation. A majority seems to be believing that Facebook intends to meddle with WhatsApp’s operations and quite possibly harm them, or according to the masses, shut them down. Let’s show you some of the more interesting, and outrageous Tweets and posts over Twitter and Facebook.

I was in the middle of a conversation on WhatsApp just an hour back when I realised that the messages had stopped going through. While I was led into believing that my internet connection was probably messed up, I went on to Twitter. Only to find #R.I.P WhatsApp trending worldwide, which proves it that WhatsApp indeed is down indefinitely as of right now.

The social media has exploded over the situation as we speak. Everyone has an opinion of their own, rather conclusions, towards this situation. A majority seems to be believing that Facebook intends to meddle with WhatsApp’s operations and quite possibly harm them, or according to the masses, shut them down. Let’s show you some of the more interesting, and outrageous Tweets and posts over Twitter and Facebook.
- See more at:
I was in the middle of a conversation on WhatsApp just an hour back when I realised that the messages had stopped going through. While I was led into believing that my internet connection was probably messed up, I went on to Twitter. Only to find #R.I.P WhatsApp trending worldwide, which proves it that WhatsApp indeed is down indefinitely as of right now.

The social media has exploded over the situation as we speak. Everyone has an opinion of their own, rather conclusions, towards this situation. A majority seems to be believing that Facebook intends to meddle with WhatsApp’s operations and quite possibly harm them, or according to the masses, shut them down. Let’s show you some of the more interesting, and outrageous Tweets and posts over Twitter and Facebook.
- See more at:
Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

January 29, 2014

: How to access YouTube via in Pakistan Without Any Proxy Software:

How to access YouTube via in Pakistan Without Any Proxy Software

It’s been more than a year since YouTube banned in Pakistan and all you have to do is to use VPN/Proxy services but not anymore. A group of Pakistani developers came up with a unique Chrome extension that lets you play any YouTube video in Pakistan without connecting to any VPN/Proxy service. Want to know how?

How to install and use Chrome extension.

Step 1:

Download Chrome web browser from here. This extension of only works with Google Chrome and not any other browser.

Step 2:

Install the Chrome Plugin from here. Open the before mentioned link in new window;  when the Chrome plugin page is opened you will see a Blue button (Fig1) on the top right corner with “Free” written on it. All you have to do is to click on that button, after clicking it it will ask you to whether add the extension or not. Just click on “Add” (Fig2) and the Chrome Plugin will be added in your Chrome browser.

Figure 1:

Figure 2:


Now that the Chrome Plugin is installed in your Chrome browser, open any YouTube link of the video in Chrome browser and magically you will be redirected to the and after processing of few seconds the video will be at your disposal to watch and share. It’s that easy and simple. The processing time can be increased depending on the duration of the video though.
In the end I would like mention few steps you can follow to initially test the plugin.
1.       Open
2.       Search “funny cat videos” on Google(Fig3) for example
3.       Click on any video link and you will be redirected to straight away and video will be available after processing (Fig4 & Fig5)

Figure 3:

Figure 4:

Figure 5:

Hope this article will help you installing the plugin..

Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

December 04, 2013

:Instagram Finally Released On Windows Phone:

Instagram Finally Released On Windows Phone

Is it worth the wait? After all, it has been a long time coming but Instagram has finally released a native app for Windows Phone. The long suffering of you out there that use Windows phones (sorry I’m an iPhone man myself), will finally be able to share pictures in new and interesting ways, just like the rest of us.  Well, kind of anyway.
Instagram Windows Phone

The new Instagram app has most of the great features that iOS and Android users have come to appreciate. All the photo filters are there and you are able to see your feed, complete with all of your friend’s snaps and “heart” and comments too.  However, all is not rosey in the Instagram world as a few things are peculiarly absent.  The most important of which is the fact that the Windows app cannot take photos or upload video from within the app?
Windows users can still upload photos from their camera roll and Instagram for Windows Phone will launch the native camera app to take new photos.  Currently, there is no option for video, but apparently it is all in the pipeline. As Instagram has finally made the leap over to Windows Phone, we should all be grateful, even if the app is still ironing out the flaws.
For more information regarding the release, please check out the following release notes:
Over 150 million users love Instagram! It’s a simple way to capture and share the world’s moments on your Windows Phone.  Customize your photos with one of several gorgeous and custom built filter effects. Transform everyday moments into works of art you’ll want to share with friends and family.Share your photos in a simple photo stream with friends to see – and follow your friends’ photos with the click of a single button. Every day you open up Instagram, you’ll see new photos from your closest friends, and creative people from around the world.

Main Features Include:
100% free custom designed filters: XPro-II, Earlybird, Rise, Amaro, Hudson, Lo-fi, Sutro, Toaster, Brannan, Inkwell, Walden, Hefe, Nashville, 1977, and others.
Video recording with breathtaking cinematic stabilization
Linear and Radial Tilt-Shift blur effects for extra depth of field.
Instant sharing to Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Tumblr and Foursquare
Unlimited uploads
Interact with friends through giving & receiving likes and comments
Full front & back camera support
And much much more…
You can get Instagram for Windows Phone at the Windows Phone Store.

Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

November 14, 2013

:7 Great Tricks You May Not Know About Yet:

7 Great Tricks You May Not Know About Yet

Earlier this year Microsoft replaced Hotmail and all accounts were transferred to Microsoft included a host of new features such as integration with SkyDrive and instant search. If you are still finding your way around, then take a look at seven of the features we picked out that you may not have discovered yet.
hands typing on a laptop

Outlook Alias

In order to keep different kinds of mail seperate, many of us end up using various email address accounts but it often ends up being a nuisance. Microsoft have included a feature in that allows you to add aliases to your existing account.
To set up an alias then all you need to do is:
  • Click the settings icon at the top right of the screen
  • Click on “More email settings”
  • Click “Create an Outlook alias’ link under “Managing your account
  • Enter the user name part of the new email address lias under “Email address”
  • Pick a domain name following @
  • Finally click “Create an alias”.
If you want to set up a rule for automatically filing messages received to the new alias address to a special folder, then type the desired name under “A new folder”, then click “Done”.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are fantastic at saving us time. Here are our top five for
  • N: Start a new message
  • Ctrl-Y: Insert an emoticon or emoji
  • Insert: Flag the email for follow-up
  • Ctrl-3: Go to People ( address book)
  • Shift+E: New Folder

Facebook and Twitter Content enables you to add your contacts from social networks and manage content from Facebook and Twitter accounts. It even allows you to post comments and accept friend requests directly from the inbox.
To manage privacy settings and view which social media accounts you have linked with then:
  • Select the settings icon at the top right of the screen and then Click “More email settings”
  • Click “Content from third-party networks” link under “Reading email”
  • At the bottom of the page, under “Showing additional content, click “Manage connections”

Sweep Emails

This feature allows you to give your inbox a good spring clean but quickly and easily (not like my housework then!). If you want to set-up an automatic clean-up of emails from a particular sender or entire category:
  • Open a message from the sender or newsletter you want removing
  • Click “Sweep” in the toolbar
  • Select “Schedule cleanup” from the menu
You have various options with this feature, so you can “Only keep the latest message from this sender”, or “Delete all messages older than _ days”, and even “Move all messages older than _ days to <select>.

Revoke Easy Access Feature

If you have a device that only you use, Microsoft has created a feature whereby you can login quickly to this device by just using a password. Should you happen to lose this device however and want to revoke this one-step access quickly, follow these steps:
  • Click your name or profile image in’s navigation bar
  • Select “Account settings” from the menu that pops up
  • Open the “Security info” category under “Overview”
  • Click “Remove all the trusted devices associated with my account” under “Trusted devices”
  • Click “Remove all trusted devices”.

One-Click Actions

The one-click acttion feature allows you to deal with emails instantly. So for example if you see that an email is spam before you even open it, then with one-click you can deal with it.
To configure these quick actions then click on the settings icon in the toolbar and select “More email settings” from the menuSelect “Instant actions” under “Customising Outlook” and make sure “Show instant actions” is ticked.
It is possible to add your own instant action buttons by clicking “Add actions” and selecting other options from the menu. If you want this button to be constantly visible then highlight the button under “Show on mouse over” and click “Move down” until the button is under “Show always”. Service Status

If you are having problems with, then you can find out if Microsoft is aware of it and whether anything is being done about it.
Visit the Outlook Service Status page. If you want to see issues that have been recently resolved then visit the Microsoft Services Status History page.
Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

November 13, 2013

:How To Change System Properties Logo in Windows 7:

How To Change System Properties Logo in Windows 7

Windows 7 System Properties Logo Changer is a free portable tool that allows you to change your system properties logo in Windows 7.

How to use:

  1. Run the tool as administrator.

  1. Click on Select image and browse for the image that you want to set as the System Properties Logo.

  1. If you want to resize the image, click on Resize image and specify the height & width of the image. After that, click Resize.

  1. Click on Apply.

  1. Click Check. Now the logo of System Properties will be changed:

Download Link (1.22 MB)
Disclaimer: This app is not made by me. The developer of this app was orbit30 who has disappeared long since.
Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

November 07, 2013

:Windows 8.1 (Service Pack 1) Direct Download :

Windows 8.1 (Service Pack 1) Direct Download

Windows 8.1 Free Enterprise Preview Edition is now officially available from Microsoft for users who wants to test and try out new features, functionality and improvements Microsoft brought in new Windows 8.1 Enterprise Preview Edition. Direct Download Links of Windows 8.1 Enterprise Preview Edition Free DVD ISO Image File (32-bit / 64-bit) is available from Microsoft at no cost with Genuine Activation Product Key of Windows 8.1 Enterprise Preview.

Windows 8.1 Enterprise is similar to Windows 8.1 Pro but it comes with a few extra features such as Windows To Go creator, Start Screen control, Direct Access, App locker, etc.

English Versions :

Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise Preview Free Edition is available in 13+ languages i.e. English UK, English US, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Arabic (Saudi Arabia), Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Taiwan). 

Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

November 06, 2013

:How to Monitor Hard Drive Or SSD Health & Performance With HDD Expert:

Monitor Hard Drive Or SSD Health & Performance With HDD Expert

The program doesn’t confuse you with excessive technical jargon, unlike most similar tools. It’s simple interface makes it an easy tool to use even for novice users. It doesn’t confuse you with .
Once launched, HDDExpert scans through all drives and partitions in your system. It then displays manufacturer name, model, firmware, serial number, temperature reading and cache size of the disk(s). The app also displays warning messages for temperature and health, and lets you know whether a backup or spare HDD is needed or not.

HDDExpert v1.3.0.5

The lower part of its interface carries information related to damage or errors at different sectors on the disk. In addition, the app displays total power cycle count and total operation time.
Right beside these readings, you’ll find three buttons labeled ‘Fans’, ‘Spare’ and ‘Backup’. The first two take you to an Amazon search page, which contains recommended products such as cooling fans and HDD replacement parts. The Backup button links to ‘Backup & Recovery 12 Home’, a paid program that you can install and use to create backups of the data on your disks. In the ‘Message’ section beside these buttons, the tool displays its verdict on the state of your drives and recommendations to prevent (Spare) or prepare (Backup) for failures.
All in all, a simple disk health monitoring software that could save your precious data before it’s too late. The tool can come in handy to test old drives as soon as they start posing problems, so you may get a replacement before complete failure of the disk and the loss of all the data on it.
HDDExpert works on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.

Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

:How To Reset Google Chrome To Default Settings:

How To Reset Google Chrome To Default Settings

The factory reset concept doesn’t need any introduction, and is commonly found in many devices and operating systems. Even Microsoft has now included the reset and refresh functionality in Windows 8. Mozilla also recently implemented the reset option in its Firefox web browser, enabling users to revert everything to factory defaults whenever they wish. So, it’s about time that Google brought this feature to Chrome. Using the reset option, you can reset the browser to its default state whenever you want. When you reset the browser, you basically turn its state to how it was when first installed: no extensions or other browsing data on it, and all settings reverted to original. In other words, in one step, you’re are allowed to completely erase any info and start over from scratch without having to manually uninstall and reinstall the browser. Although Google already had this feature on-board in Canary and Dev builds, it’s now natively available in the latest stable release. Here is a thorough and complete step-by-step guide on how to reset Chrome back to its default settings.
The reset function in Chrome can come in handy if you want to troubleshoot a damaged or corrupt installation. Likewise, if your Chrome is simply crashing at times due to some extension or malicious script, a reset can be a viable option.
The first thing you will need to do is open your web browser and head over the Settings screen. You can quickly access it by entering ‘chrome://settings/’ (without quotations) in the address bar. There, you will find a plethora of options, but the one we’re particularly looking for lies at the very bottom of the page.

Settings - Google Chrome

Simply scroll all the way down in until you see the ‘Show advanced settings’ link (a blue hyperlink rather than a button). Click it, and further options will be made available to you.

Reset Chrome Step 2

The Settings screen will be expanded further and you will need to scroll all the way down again until you see ‘Reset browser settings’. Clicking this button will restore everything to default.

Reset Chrome Step 3

When you click this button, Chrome displays a confirmation popup informing what would be reset, which basically includes all browser settings, homepage, new tab page, search engine. The reset will also disable all extensions and unpin all your tabs. Furthermore, it will remove temporary data like cookies, cache and site data.
You can click Learn more to see further details. Click ‘Reset’ to confirm, and Chrome will go back to its default state.

Reset Chrome

Did you find the above guide useful? Share your thoughts in the comments section below. Happy web surfing!
Bugs Of Techn0l0gy