

Showing posts with label Email. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Email. Show all posts

November 27, 2013

:Top Ten Password Cracking Methods:

Top Ten Password Cracking Methods

1. Dictionary attack :-

dictionary attack

"This uses a simple file containing words that can, surprise surprise, be found in a dictionary. In other words, if you will excuse the pun, this attack uses exactly the kind ofwords that many people use as their password..."

2. Brute force attack :-

brute force attack images

"This method is similar to the dictionary attack but with the added bonus, for the hacker, of being able to detect non-dictionary words by working through all possible alpha-numeric combinations from aaa1 to zzz10..."

3. Rainbow table attack :-

Rainbow table attack images

"A rainbow table is a list of pre-computed hashes - the numerical value of an encrypted password, used by most systems today - and that’s the hashes of allpossible password combinations for any given hashing algorithm mind. The time it takes to crack a password using a rainbow table is reduced to the time it takes to look it up in the list..."

4. Phishing :-

Phishing attack images

"There's an easy way to hack: ask the user for his or her password. A phishing email leads the unsuspecting reader to a faked online banking, payment or other site in order to login and put rightsome terrible problem with their security..."

5. Social engineering :-

Social engineering images

"A favourite of the social engineeris to telephone an office posing asan IT security tech guy and simply ask for the network access password. You’d be amazed how often this works. It take the advantage of people trust."

6. Malware :-

virus, spam,spyware, trojan

"A key logger or screen scraper can be installed by malware whichrecords everything you type or takes screen shots during a login process, and then forwards a copy of this file to hacker central..."

7. Offline cracking :-

offline password cracking

"Often the target in question has been compromised via an hack ona third party, which then providesaccess to the system servers and those all-important user password hash files. The password cracker can then take as long as they need to try and crack the code without alerting the target system or individual user..."

8. Shoulder surfing :-

Shoulder surfing image

"The service personnel ‘uniform’ provides a kind of free pass to wander around unhindered, and make note of passwords being entered by genuine members of staff. It also provides an excellent opportunity to eyeball all those post-it notes stuck to the front of LCD screens with logins scribbled upon them..."

9. Spidering :-

Spidering image

"Savvy hackers have realised that many corporate passwords are made up of words that are connected to the business itself. Studying corporate literature, website sales material and even the websites of competitors and listed customers can provide the ammunition to build a custom word list to use in a brute force attack..."

10. Guess :-

guessing password

"The password crackers best friend, of course, is the predictability of the user. Unless a truly random password has been created using software dedicated to the task, a user generated ‘random’ password is unlikely to be anything of the sort..."
EnjOy.. :)
Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

November 14, 2013

:7 Great Tricks You May Not Know About Yet:

7 Great Tricks You May Not Know About Yet

Earlier this year Microsoft replaced Hotmail and all accounts were transferred to Microsoft included a host of new features such as integration with SkyDrive and instant search. If you are still finding your way around, then take a look at seven of the features we picked out that you may not have discovered yet.
hands typing on a laptop

Outlook Alias

In order to keep different kinds of mail seperate, many of us end up using various email address accounts but it often ends up being a nuisance. Microsoft have included a feature in that allows you to add aliases to your existing account.
To set up an alias then all you need to do is:
  • Click the settings icon at the top right of the screen
  • Click on “More email settings”
  • Click “Create an Outlook alias’ link under “Managing your account
  • Enter the user name part of the new email address lias under “Email address”
  • Pick a domain name following @
  • Finally click “Create an alias”.
If you want to set up a rule for automatically filing messages received to the new alias address to a special folder, then type the desired name under “A new folder”, then click “Done”.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are fantastic at saving us time. Here are our top five for
  • N: Start a new message
  • Ctrl-Y: Insert an emoticon or emoji
  • Insert: Flag the email for follow-up
  • Ctrl-3: Go to People ( address book)
  • Shift+E: New Folder

Facebook and Twitter Content enables you to add your contacts from social networks and manage content from Facebook and Twitter accounts. It even allows you to post comments and accept friend requests directly from the inbox.
To manage privacy settings and view which social media accounts you have linked with then:
  • Select the settings icon at the top right of the screen and then Click “More email settings”
  • Click “Content from third-party networks” link under “Reading email”
  • At the bottom of the page, under “Showing additional content, click “Manage connections”

Sweep Emails

This feature allows you to give your inbox a good spring clean but quickly and easily (not like my housework then!). If you want to set-up an automatic clean-up of emails from a particular sender or entire category:
  • Open a message from the sender or newsletter you want removing
  • Click “Sweep” in the toolbar
  • Select “Schedule cleanup” from the menu
You have various options with this feature, so you can “Only keep the latest message from this sender”, or “Delete all messages older than _ days”, and even “Move all messages older than _ days to <select>.

Revoke Easy Access Feature

If you have a device that only you use, Microsoft has created a feature whereby you can login quickly to this device by just using a password. Should you happen to lose this device however and want to revoke this one-step access quickly, follow these steps:
  • Click your name or profile image in’s navigation bar
  • Select “Account settings” from the menu that pops up
  • Open the “Security info” category under “Overview”
  • Click “Remove all the trusted devices associated with my account” under “Trusted devices”
  • Click “Remove all trusted devices”.

One-Click Actions

The one-click acttion feature allows you to deal with emails instantly. So for example if you see that an email is spam before you even open it, then with one-click you can deal with it.
To configure these quick actions then click on the settings icon in the toolbar and select “More email settings” from the menuSelect “Instant actions” under “Customising Outlook” and make sure “Show instant actions” is ticked.
It is possible to add your own instant action buttons by clicking “Add actions” and selecting other options from the menu. If you want this button to be constantly visible then highlight the button under “Show on mouse over” and click “Move down” until the button is under “Show always”. Service Status

If you are having problems with, then you can find out if Microsoft is aware of it and whether anything is being done about it.
Visit the Outlook Service Status page. If you want to see issues that have been recently resolved then visit the Microsoft Services Status History page.
Bugs Of Techn0l0gy