

Showing posts with label WhatsApp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WhatsApp. Show all posts

February 25, 2015

:How To Download Whatsapp Plus For Android Free:

How To Download Whatsapp Plus For Android Free

How To Download Whatsapp Plus For Android Free
How To Download Whatsapp Plus For Android Free

Whatsapp Plus Features :- 
  • Default Whatsapp Colour is Green and now Whatsapp Plus Colour is Blue you can also change Whatsapp Notification as well as Whatsapp Icon colour to red, green, orange, purple etc.. Isn’t it cool customize the way you want. 
  • Default Whatsapp media uploading limit is I think 12mb but in Whatsapp Plus its default 16mb and you can go to settings and increase it till 50mb. 
  • In the old Whatsapp you were not be able to send high quality Images and if you try to send then that Image size and quality will automatically be reduced but in Whatsapp Plus you have the option to send high quality Images without reducing or with reducing its size and quality. 
  • In old Whatsapp you can’t change colour settings but in Whatsapp plus you can change any colour of your Whatsapp i.e chat header colour,background colour etc… 
  • This one you will like it in old Whatsapp you can’t send Voice messages but now in new Whatsapp you can send voice messages like Wechat 
  • In Whatsapp Plus your friends Status is shown just below the chat rather than in old Whatsapp you had to click on that friends name and then check the status. 
  • In old Whatsapp you cannot Install the themes but in Whatsapp Plus you can Install Themes as it provides many themes just made for Whatsapp Plus and change the whole look of your Whatsapp. 
  • You can Open a persons Chat and then check just the media you have received by that person. 
  • You can change message Colour too in Whatsapp Plus as well as keep a different colour for unread message,pending senders colour in Group message, unread message background colour, message colour, date colour, contact or group name color etc. 
  • You can now attach also location and send it to your friends and can also send/forward multiple messages in groups too.

How to Download and Install Whatsapp Plus for Android and also Restore your Old Whatsapp Messages: 

  • First of all I would like to tell you guys that the new Whatsapp i.e Whatsapp Plus is not available in the Google Play Store but you can download it from below link. 
  • After Downloading the Whatsapp Plus don’t Install it.In order to Install it you will first need to delete your Old Whatsapp but before deleting just take a Backup.In order to take backup just tap on Settings. 
  • Then tap on Chat Settings and then click on Backup Conversations and as you can see in the Image below it is backing up conversations. 
  • After Backing up Whatsapp just delete the Whatsapp and then just Install and start Whatsapp Plus.Then you will see the Awesome Blue Whatsapp Plus Welcome screen then click on Continue. 
  • Now it will ask for mobile number just enter the mobile number and then the restore screen will come up as you can see in the Image below just click on restore and now it will restore you Whatsapp Messages after restoration is complete just click on Continue.Then it will ask you to enter your name just put whatever name you wanna keep and tap on next. 
  • Now it will Initialize your Whatsapp it will take time depending upon how much messages you are having after Initializing is complete just tap on Continue. 
  • And Now your Brand New Whatsapp Plus will start and it will show you change log screen just tap Ok and as you can see in the Image Below the Brand new Whatsapp look.

How to Increase Whatsapp Media Transfer limit to 50mb: 

  • After Starting Whatsapp Just click on the new Icon which will be on the top 
  • Then Scroll a bit and tap on Media Sharing. 
  • Now by default it will be 16mb just increase it to 50mb and then tap on Yes These are the Some highlights of whatsapp plus. 
  • But keep in mind we are not responsible if any damages occur to your device. Check app for viruses before you install.
Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

::Free Download WhatsApp for PC::


IT is very easy to use all android apps in computer.............
You can download many applications like WhatsApp Messenger etc on the Google Play Store with the help of BlueStacks.

How to Running WhatsApp on PC :

First of all, you need to download Bluestacks in PC or Mac.

Download <==Bluestacks

Install it on your pc. After installing Open it.

Now Open the Application You can Find the Screen Capture Just Like Below Picture

> Now Click on Search icon and search for Whatsapp
> Now choose the whatsapp messenger form any market .its your wish.
> Just click and Download whatsapp after selecting from any app store

> You can find downloaded app in My Apps.
> Now click on WhatsApp fill the Details and Start using it.

Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

February 25, 2014

:WhatsApp Goes Down Following $19 Billion Facebook Buy-Out:

WhatsApp Goes Down Following $19 Billion Facebook Buy-Out

Last week Facebook announced that it is acquiring the messaging company WhatsApp for an approximate total of $16 billion. Included in the deal is $4 billion in cash, $12 billion of Facebook shares and an extra $3 billion in restricted stock units which will be granted to WhatApp’s founders and employees.
In spending so much money you can only imagine Mark Zuckerberg’s frustration when, on Saturday afternoon WhatsApp went down for over three hours, leaving its users unable to access the app.

Whatsapp and facebook

WhatsApp was quick to respond to the issue and announced that it was suffering from “server issues”. However after the prolonged period of time users took to Twitter to vent their frustrations, with some comments saying: “Mark Zuckerberg please do us a favor. Never buy Twitter,” and, “Thanks Zuckerberg for re-uniting families tonight!”
This is not the first time that the messaging giant has gone down, with reports claiming that crashes occur nearly once a month. Yet with the spotlight shining brightly on the app since the acquisition announcement, this occurrence has certainly received more press than any other incident.
WhatsApp currently has over 450 million users, with 70 percent of these actively using the service every day. In a blog post Facebook outlined the reasons for the deal, saying that the two companies have a “shared mission to bring more connectivity and utility to the world by delivering core internet services efficiently and affordably.”
The announcement also outlined plans to allow WhatsApp to continue to operate independently whilst retaining the brand. “WhatsApp is on a path to connect 1 billion people. The services that reach that milestone are all incredibly valuable,” said Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder and CEO. “I’ve known Jan for a long time and I’m excited to partner with him and his team to make the world more open and connected.
Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

February 23, 2014

::WhatsApp Goes Down Indefinitely, Social Media Explodes::

I was in the middle of a conversation on WhatsApp just an hour back when I realised that the messages had stopped going through. While I was led into believing that my internet connection was probably messed up, I went on to Twitter. Only to find #R.I.P WhatsApp trending worldwide, which proves it that WhatsApp indeed is down indefinitely as of right now.

The social media has exploded over the situation as we speak. Everyone has an opinion of their own, rather conclusions, towards this situation. A majority seems to be believing that Facebook intends to meddle with WhatsApp’s operations and quite possibly harm them, or according to the masses, shut them down. Let’s show you some of the more interesting, and outrageous Tweets and posts over Twitter and Facebook.
- See more at:
WhatsApp Goes Down Indefinitely, Social Media Explodes - See more at:
WhatsApp Goes Down Indefinitely, Social Media Explodes
I was in the middle of a conversation on WhatsApp just an hour back when I realised that the messages had stopped going through. While I was led into believing that my internet connection was probably messed up, I went on to Twitter. Only to find #R.I.P WhatsApp trending worldwide, which proves it that WhatsApp indeed is down indefinitely as of right now.

The social media has exploded over the situation as we speak. Everyone has an opinion of their own, rather conclusions, towards this situation. A majority seems to be believing that Facebook intends to meddle with WhatsApp’s operations and quite possibly harm them, or according to the masses, shut them down. Let’s show you some of the more interesting, and outrageous Tweets and posts over Twitter and Facebook.

I was in the middle of a conversation on WhatsApp just an hour back when I realised that the messages had stopped going through. While I was led into believing that my internet connection was probably messed up, I went on to Twitter. Only to find #R.I.P WhatsApp trending worldwide, which proves it that WhatsApp indeed is down indefinitely as of right now.

The social media has exploded over the situation as we speak. Everyone has an opinion of their own, rather conclusions, towards this situation. A majority seems to be believing that Facebook intends to meddle with WhatsApp’s operations and quite possibly harm them, or according to the masses, shut them down. Let’s show you some of the more interesting, and outrageous Tweets and posts over Twitter and Facebook.
- See more at:
I was in the middle of a conversation on WhatsApp just an hour back when I realised that the messages had stopped going through. While I was led into believing that my internet connection was probably messed up, I went on to Twitter. Only to find #R.I.P WhatsApp trending worldwide, which proves it that WhatsApp indeed is down indefinitely as of right now.

The social media has exploded over the situation as we speak. Everyone has an opinion of their own, rather conclusions, towards this situation. A majority seems to be believing that Facebook intends to meddle with WhatsApp’s operations and quite possibly harm them, or according to the masses, shut them down. Let’s show you some of the more interesting, and outrageous Tweets and posts over Twitter and Facebook.
- See more at:
Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

February 20, 2014

:Facebook buying messaging app WhatsApp for $19B:

Facebook buying messaging app WhatsApp for $19B

The world's biggest social networking company said Wednesday that it is paying $12 billion in Facebook stock and $4 billion in cash for WhatsApp. In addition, the app's founders and employees — 55 in all — will be granted restricted stock worth $3 billion that will vest over four years after the deal closes.
The deal translates to roughly nine per cent of Facebook's market value. In comparison, Google's biggest deal, Motorola Mobility, stood at $12.5 billion, while Microsoft's largest was Skype at $8.5 billion. Apple, meanwhile, has never done a deal above $1 billion.
The price stunned Gartner analyst Brian Blau. ''I am not surprised they went after WhatsApp, but the amount is staggering,'' he said.
Facebook likely prizes WhatsApp for its audience of teenagers and young adults who are increasingly using the service to engage in online conversations outside of Facebook, which has evolved into a more mainstream hangout inhabited by their parents, grandparents and even their bosses at work.
''This is a bet on the future for Facebook,'' Blau said. ''They know they have to expand their business lines. WhatsApp is in the business of collecting people's conversations, so Facebook is going to get some great data.''
In that sense, the acquisition makes sense for 10-year-old Facebook as it looks to attract its next billion users while keeping its existing 1.23 billion members, including teenagers, interested. The company has said it will develop a ''multi-app'' strategy, creating its own applications that exist outside of Facebook and acquiring others.
''Facebook seems to be in acknowledgement that people are using a lot of different apps to communicate,'' said eMarketer analyst Debra Aho Williamson. ''In order to continue to reach audiences, younger in particular, it needs to have a broader strategy...not put all its eggs in one basket.''

Bugs Of Techn0l0gy