

Showing posts with label OS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OS. Show all posts

May 12, 2014

Samsung Will Have to Pay Apple $120 Million

Samsung Will Have to Pay Apple $120 Million

A US jury has recently ordered Samsung to pay almost $120 million to Apple for smartphone patent violations, though it is much less than iPhone-maker initially wanted and marked a big loss for Apple in the latest round of the two companies’ litigation.


Apple have accusing Samsung of violating patents on smartphone features for a while now, trying to claim it was Steve Jobs who invented everything. In response, Samsung denied warongdoing. In result of one of the trials, which took place in the United States, the jury found Samsung infringed two Apple patents.

The two companies have been fighting in courts across the globe for several years now. Jurors awarded Apple about $930 million after a trial in the US two years ago, but the company failed to persuade American district judge to issue a permanent injunction against the sale of Samsung phones in the United States.

Industry experts think that Apple is just trying to curtail the rapid growth of phones based on Google’s rival Android software. It is known that Samsung was by far the largest adopter of this mobile OS. Despite the fact that this verdict is large compared to others, it can’t be regarded as a victory for Apple. The matter is that this award is less than 10% of the amount Apple requested, and may even not surpass the amount of money the company spent litigating this case.

The latest lawsuit involves 5 Apple patents that weren’t at issue at that trial two years ago and cover such iPhone features as slide-to-unlock and search technology. The iPhone-maker had sought to ban sales of a number of Samsung phones, including the Galaxy S3, and demanded over $2 billion in damages.

Apple claimed that the recent ruling reinforced its stance that Samsung stole its ideas and copied its products. This situation led some experts to question if patent litigation was a viable strategy, as it can be abused and hinder innovation. The supporters of this point of view believe that litigation can help innovators protect their IP and benefit from it.

Samsung argued that Apple had exaggerated the importance of its iPhone features, while Apple argued that the Korean company couldn’t have competed in the smartphone market without copying iPhone.
In the trial two years ago, by the way, it was also found that Apple had infringed one of Samsung’s patents, and the Galaxy-maker was awarded $158,400
EnjOy.. :)
Bugs 0f Techn0l0gy

April 15, 2014

: Are You Still Using Windows XP? :

Are You Still Using Windows XP?

You should know that Microsoft has finally given up on its most successful product and announced that it won’t support Windows XP any more. In other words, millions of computers all over the world are now at risk from security threats, but the software giant failed to persuade people to switch to another operating system. According to the latest statistics, almost 25% of the world’s machines still run XP.
Of course, it has been a pretty long run. Windows XP was released in the mid-2001 and its development was started in the late 1990s. Its prototype code was codenamed “Neptune” and built on the Windows NT kernel, intended for consumers. In the meantime, an updated version of Windows 2000 was also initially planned for the business market. In the early 2000, both of these projects were shelved in favor of a single operating system nickenamed “Whistler”, which could be used in both business and consumer environments.
The new OS introduced a considerably redesigned graphical user interface and became the first version of Windows which used product activation in an effort to reduce software piracy. Despite this feature, XP was pirated to oblivion, so you can see how that worked out.
Windows XP proved to be extremely popular among users: by January 2006, more than 400 million copies were in use. XP remained the most widely used OS until August 2012, when Windows 7 overtook it.
The much-extended deadline fell on the same day as Patch Tuesday, giving Microsoft a chance to release updates for the platform. But after the April, 8 no more updates for machines without custom support are released. The exceptions are the UK government, which has paid Microsoft £5.5 million to keep public sector entities covered, and the Dutch government. For everyone else it will be a great time to target machines running on Windows XP, because there is no protection short of virus checkers anymore.
Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

February 25, 2014

: Apple expected to release iOS 7.1 next month(March):

Apple expected to release iOS 7.1 next month(March)

Apple brought a brand new version of its popular operating system last year with iOS 7.0, but shortly after the release it was obvious that the company was going to have to do some fixing as users complained right away about bugs that caused some devices to reboot randomly.  Apple listened, as it should and sent out a few smaller updates over the next couple weeks and while some of the bugs were fixed, others were brought forward as more users downloaded and installed the new software.  It has been a few months now, but it looks like the company is ready to release version 7.1.

Apple typically releases its new software in a series of beta testing phases and that allows the company to get valuable feedback about new features before it is sent out to the public in a mass rollout.  Even though an online source claims that Apple will be releasing the new iOS 7.1 next month, the source also claimed that Apple does not have any surprises set up for this version of the software.  Basically, what that means is the software that was revealed in the first 5 beta testing stages is exactly what is going to be seen once you download and install the software next month.
Apple is looking to set up a huge month for the company with the arrival of the iOS 7.1 and reported updates that are coming to the Apple TV as well.  Because there seems to be a few things that Apple wants to get to the public, there is a good chance that the company will do all of this with an event, but that has not been confirmed at this time.  Coming along with iOS 7.1, users will see new features, a couple of tweaks to the user interface and apps, plus an improved Calendar app.  Enhancements to the performance and fixes for some bugs that have been reported are also expected with the new software.
Judging by what was reported with the last beta version of the software, there are no major features coming with the new software, but the fifth stage is the last one before the official update and that is just as exciting to know.  There is a chance that one more beta round will be released with the Gold Master edition following shortly after that.
Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

February 24, 2014

:iPhone 5S battery balloons and catches fires unexpectedly:

iPhone 5S battery balloons and catches fires unexpectedly

An iPhone 5S user has posted pictures online of his device that caught fire while in use and eventually exploded.
iphone 5s burning 3 iPhone 5S battery balloons and catches fires unexpectedly

Only recently it was reported that a student’s iPhone 5C caught fire when it was doing absolutely nothing in her pocket, causing her second degree burns in the process. Photos of a somewhat similar incident have been posted online, the source claims that he was using the iPhone 5S to browse Facebook when out of the blue the battery started to inflate. He also claims that the phone wasn’t open, wasn’t being charged and that it had no damage prior to this incident.
iphone 5s burning 1 iPhone 5S battery balloons and catches fires unexpectedly
Apparently as soon as the battery started to inflate, it pushed up the screen so much so that he was able to grab a hold of it and rip it off with a fair bit of force, with the screws ripping out of the threads. He claims that smoke billowed from the battery for a good three minutes while he took the EMI shields off in a bid to disconnect the battery to remove it and take it outside.
 iPhone 5S battery balloons and catches fires unexpectedly
One might question just how he was able to take pictures when all this was happening. The source says that he doesn’t use the iPhone as his primary device, ”I use the iPhone for everything else other then (sic) texting and calling,” he says. Apple hasn’t commented on this incident as yet but apparently they did request him to take pictures and sent it to them. Its unclear what may have caused this incident, previous cases have often been triggered by faulty chargers or unauthorized accessories, that doesn’t appear to be the problem this time around.

Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

:LG L Series III Announced:

LG L Series III Announced

The hugely popular smartphone manufacturer, LG has just announced, not one, but three new smartphones for the lower end of the market.  LG are releasing these Android OS smartphones as part of their L Series III models. It is expected that people can get close up and personal with these new models at this year’s MWC.  The new models are named the L40, L70 and L90 respectively.  For a low-end smartphone, they offer huge value for money.  LG are target marketing this device for the first-time smartphone buyers market. It will also be aimed at people looking to maybe change to Android OS on a budget.

LG LSeries III

Here is a brief overview of the 3 new models:

LG L40

1.2GHz dual-core processor
3.5-inch (480 x 320) screen
512MB of RAM, 4GB of expandable storage
14.4Mbps HSDPA & Wi-Fi connectivity
3-megapixel rear camera
1,540mAh or 1,700mAh battery, depending on market
Size: 109.4 x 59.0 x 11.9 mm

LG L70

1.2GHz dual-core processor
4.5-inch IPS screen with WVGA (800 x 400) resolution
1GB of RAM, 4GB of expandable storage
21Mbps HSPA+ & Wi-Fi connectivity
8- or 5-megapixel rear camera (market dependant), VGA front-facing one
2,100mAh battery
Size: 127.2 x 66.8 x 9.5 mm

LG L90

1.2GHz quad-core processor
4.7-inch IPS screen with qHD (960 x 540) resolution
1GB of RAM, 8GB of expandable storage
21Mbps HSPA+ & Wi-Fi connectivity
8-megapixel rear camera, 1.3-megapixel front-facing one
2,540mAh battery
Size: 131.6 x 66.0 x 9.7 mm
Additionally it is worth noting that all three models will run Android 4.4 KitKat and also they will sport a refined User Interface that is “more beautiful and immersive.” There is no word on any availability as yet, but then again you wouldn’t expect any as LG have only just announced them!  No doubt more information will become availalable at MWC.
If you have any sensible comments regarding this story, please leave your comments in the section below, thanks.
Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

February 05, 2014

:iPhone 5C Sets on Fire in School Girl’s Pocket:

iPhone 5C Sets on Fire in School Girl’s Pocket

The girl is treated for second-degree burns at a Biddeford hospital.

A middle school student in Kennebunk suffered second-degree burns Friday when her iPhone caught fire in her pants pocket just before a class, said her family and school officials. The eighth-grader sustained burns on one thigh and her back, and was taken to Southern Maine Health Care in Biddeford for treatment. Her mother, Judy Milligan, said, “I was a little bit in shock” when the school notified her about the fire. She said she preferred not to release her daughter’s name.
The 14-year-old girl had sat down just before her first-period French class Friday morning when she and her friends sitting nearby heard a pop from the Apple iPhone 5C she had been given by her mother two months earlier.
“Immediately, smoke starts billowing from around the student,” said Jeff Rodman, principal of the Middle School of the Kennebunks. “She knew right away something was wrong and, in a panic, knew her pants were on fire caused by the cellphone.”
The girl had to take off the pants, so girls in the class helped her into a corner of the room while others herded the boys from the room and summoned a teacher, who was standing just outside the door, Rodman said.
“It was sensitive. She knew she was kind of in a tough situation,” he said.
Teachers came to help, and someone in the main office called 911.
The girl had the presence of mind to “stop, drop and roll,” Rodman said, which reduced the flames and the injuries she suffered. “The phone fell out of her pocket ... and it was still smoldering. Her pants were still on fire,” he said.
Once the pants were off, one teacher wrapped the girl in a blanket while they waited for rescue workers and firefighters to arrive.
School officials declared a “hold in place,” so students could not leave their classrooms and emergency workers could get in and out of the building quickly, Rodman said.
The girl was taken to the hospital in Biddeford, where she was treated for what her mother said were second-degree burns. She was released after about 45 minutes.
She asked to return to class, her mother said, but school officials and health care workers encouraged her to go home.
“She’s very calm – just a calm person,” Milligan said.
A call to Apple headquarters was not returned by press time.
An investigator with the state Fire Marshal’s Office took pictures of the phone.
Andrew Rosenstein, owner of TechPort in Portland, which repairs Apple products, said customers have brought in batteries that were swollen and at risk of malfunction after extended use, but not from a phone that was almost new.
“There’s basically a lithium-ion type rechargeable battery built in (to an iPhone). The battery, as it charges and discharges, it’s really a chemical reaction that can generate heat,” Rosenstein said. “It’s very rare there can be an issue, but any battery is just a chemical composition that can be flammable in extreme circumstances.”
Rosenstein said his business uses a fireproof box to store batteries from devices that are being repaired, so fire cannot spread if they somehow ignite.
There have been sporadic reports of phone fires, though typically the phones that caught fire were being charged.
The most notable malfunctions of lithium ion batteries were aboard two 787 Boeing Dreamliners, causing fires that led to the grounding of the aircraft.
Rosenstein couldn’t say what would have caused the battery in the eighth-grader’s phone to burn. He said there’s nothing else in the phone that could cause a fire. “These batteries installed in Apple products in particular are extremely safe. It’s an extremely rare incident,” he said.
Milligan said her daughter is an honor student and enjoys school, especially French class. She also is a competitive swimmer with the Biddeford Manta Rays, and had to miss Friday’s practice and Saturday’s meet in Belfast.
Milligan said she almost didn’t get the call from the school telling her that her daughter had been burned.
When she left the house Friday morning with her daughter and son, she realized she had left her cellphone in the house. She contemplated going without it for the day, but instead ran inside to grab it. In the middle of her hour-long drive to work, she got the call.
The iPhone, which was green and is now black, is useless. So are the pants, which Milligan agreed to replace.
“We went to Target and got a pair of yoga pants,” she said.

Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

November 19, 2013

:Updated!! QMobile Noir Z4 Officailly Launched and Detail Specification:

Updated!! QMobile Noir Z4 Officailly Launched and Detail Specification

PRICE: 35,000 PKR

QMobile Noir  Z4 is now officailly launced by QMobile.On Sep 29 we told you QMobile is upto Something better then ever and today the Noir Z4 is officaill by QMobile.Prediction come true like many earlier times.Price is still not Confirmed keep in touch with we will keep you updated...

Uni-body Design

5 Inch FHD Display & Narrow Edges 2.54mm super narrow edge design

Combination of Technology and Handcraftsmanship

Manufactured by a combination of Computerized Numerical Control Technology and Hand-polished craftsmanship, Noir Quatro Z4 brings you the precision of a machine and the delicacy of Hand Craftsmanship.
CNC Technology used in 67 different places.
Its hand-polished sides gives it its seamlessly smooth finish, enabling it to stand up by itself.

Light Weight

A phone filled with powerful apps weighting at only 128g

Stronger Performance

Quad Core 1.5GHz CPU 
Operate multiple applications, games, videos without delay
Large Storage for all your pictures, videos, songs and more
Support HQ videos, operate large 3D comes with ease

Motion Sensing Technology / Gesture Control

Motion Sensing Dial 
Enter SMS/contact/call records interface and call automatically
by raising phone to ear 
Motion Sensing Pickup 
Answer calls automatically by raising phone to ear
Motion Sensing Alarm 
Flip phone to enter snooze mode
Shake To Answer 
Answer incoming calls by shaking the phone
Gesture Video Control 
Video automatically play/pause when movement of head is detected;
Adjust volume control through upward/downward     sweeping motion
Gesture Photo Control 
Flip between pictures by a left/right sweeping motion
Gesture Answering Control
Answer/Hangup incoming calls by an upward/downward sweeping motion 

Heartbeat Synchronizing Technology 

Heartbeat Synchronizing Technology enables the system to synchronously wake up applications every ten minutes, thus reducing the number of application wake ups and decreases power consumption.
A white list is automatically created to ensure essential applications can be waken up at any time.
Content Adaptive Backlight Control
CABC Technology allows the system to automatically adjust screen brightness according to the content on the display to maximize the reduction of power consumption. 
Saving up to 30% in power

Amigo Operation System

An operating system designed specifically for your needs, including motion sensing control, gesture control, voice control, safety features and more.

Amigo Camera

 Noir Quatro Z4 innovative camera technology redefines how photos are meant to be captured. With the goal to make life better through technology,  Noir Quatro Z4 camera sports the second generation of Backside Illumination Technology, antireflection coatings,anti-fingerprint film and finishes off with 5 layers of blue glasses.

Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

November 13, 2013

:How To Change System Properties Logo in Windows 7:

How To Change System Properties Logo in Windows 7

Windows 7 System Properties Logo Changer is a free portable tool that allows you to change your system properties logo in Windows 7.

How to use:

  1. Run the tool as administrator.

  1. Click on Select image and browse for the image that you want to set as the System Properties Logo.

  1. If you want to resize the image, click on Resize image and specify the height & width of the image. After that, click Resize.

  1. Click on Apply.

  1. Click Check. Now the logo of System Properties will be changed:

Download Link (1.22 MB)
Disclaimer: This app is not made by me. The developer of this app was orbit30 who has disappeared long since.
Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

November 07, 2013

:Windows 8.1 (Service Pack 1) Direct Download :

Windows 8.1 (Service Pack 1) Direct Download

Windows 8.1 Free Enterprise Preview Edition is now officially available from Microsoft for users who wants to test and try out new features, functionality and improvements Microsoft brought in new Windows 8.1 Enterprise Preview Edition. Direct Download Links of Windows 8.1 Enterprise Preview Edition Free DVD ISO Image File (32-bit / 64-bit) is available from Microsoft at no cost with Genuine Activation Product Key of Windows 8.1 Enterprise Preview.

Windows 8.1 Enterprise is similar to Windows 8.1 Pro but it comes with a few extra features such as Windows To Go creator, Start Screen control, Direct Access, App locker, etc.

English Versions :

Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise Preview Free Edition is available in 13+ languages i.e. English UK, English US, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Arabic (Saudi Arabia), Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Taiwan). 

Bugs Of Techn0l0gy