

Showing posts with label Concept. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Concept. Show all posts

October 10, 2013

:Use Google as an Proxy:

Use Google as an Proxy

If you are working at an office, you might have experienced that most of the sites may not be accessible. A proxy helps you to access these blocked websites. There are many free and open source proxies available but many of them are also blocked. I was searching for a new proxy and found this.

Google Translate, Mobilizer, Modules can be used as an Proxy.

Google translate

Google Mibilizer

Google Modules

Instead of “” replace with the URL of the site you want to open. Google can’t be blocked by your ISP, So I hope this proxy will last for a long time.
Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

:Create a Bootable Pendrive of any OS:

Create a Bootable Pendrive of any OS

Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool is a free tool from Microsoft to make an Bootable pendrive form ISO files. But how to make a bootable pendrive from the .img files or copy some other OS to the pendrive? We need some other tools. Here I have discussed about an free tool that allows you to create an bootable pendrive from any OS.

Win32 Disk Imager

As I already mentioned, it is an free tool for windows and it reads the disk image of any format and writes it in an Pendrive. It could also write it in the Memory Card and make it bootable.

Win32 Disk Imager

The software is about 12.8MB and can be downloaded from here

Steps to create an Bootable Pendrive

Just download the package and open the Win32DiskImager.exe
Select the Image file which you want to copy.

OS selection in Win32DiskImager

Select the Removable disk which you want to make it as bootable.

device selection in Win32DiskImager

Click the Write Button.

Write in Win32Disk Imager

Wait for the process to be completed. Your bootable pendrive is READY..!!!
Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

:Create Undeletable And Unrenamable Folders In Windows:

Create Undeletable And Unrenamable Folders In Windows

We have already discussed about creating nameless and invisible folder. Here is another trick. Here are the step by step instructions to create Undeletable And Unrenamable Folders In Windows. Check it out and create one.

How To Create Undeletable And Unrenamable Folders ?

Goto Run and Type cmd & hit enter.

cmd prompt
Note: Remember you cannot create Undeletable & unrenamable folder in your root directory. That means you can’t create these folders in C:/
Type D: or E: and hit enter

D in cmd
Type md con\ and hit enter (md – make directory)

md con in cmd
You may use other words such as aux, lpt1, lpt2, lpt3 up to lpt9 instead of con in above step.
Try to delete that folder or rename that folder windows, it will show an error message.

How to delete that folder ?

It is not possible to delete that folder manually. It can be deleted by repeating the steps to create the directory but instead of md con\ use rd con
Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

October 09, 2013

:Create Simple 3D Text In Photoshop:

Create Simple 3D Text In Photoshop

Written by Bugs Of Techn0l0gyIn this Photoshop text effects tutorial, we’ll learn how to create simple 3D text:
Photoshop 3D text. Image © 2009 Photoshop
The final 3D text effect.
Let’s get started!
Step 1: Create a New Document
To begin, let’s create a brand new Photoshop document. Go up to the File menu at the top of the screen and choose New, or for a quicker way, press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+N (Win) / Command+N (Mac). Whichever way you choose, Photoshop pops up the New Document dialog box. Enter the size you need for your document. For this tutorial, I’m going to enter a Width of 6 inches, a Height of 4 inches, and a Resolution of 300 pixels/inch, which is a standard resolution for professional quality printing. I’m also going to set my Background Contents toWhite, which will set the background color of my new document to white. When you’re done, click OK in the top right corner of the dialog box to exit out of it. Your new Photoshop document will appear on the screen.
The New Document dialog box in Photoshop. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Create a new Photoshop document using the New Document dialog box.

Step 2: Select The Type Tool From Photoshop’s Tools Palette

To add text to the document, we’ll need to use Photoshop’s Type Tool. Select it from the Tools palette, or press the letter T on your keyboard to select it with the shortcut:
Photoshop Type Tool. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Select the Type Tool.

Step 3: Choose A Font From The Options Bar

Next, we need to choose a font. With the Type Tool selected, you’ll notice that the Options Bar at the top of the screen has changed to show the options for the Type Tool. Choose whichever font you’d like to use from the list of fonts that you currently have available on your computer. This 3D effect works best with fonts that have big, thick letters. I’m going to choose Impact. You can also choose a size for your text if you like, but it’s not really necessary at this point since we can easily change the size of the text later, as we’ll see. For now, all we need is the font:
Choosing a font from the Options Bar in Photoshop. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Choose a font from the Options Bar.

Step 4: Choose A Color For Your Text

Next, we need to choose a color for our text. If you look further to the right in the Options Bar, you’ll see a color swatch. The color swatch shows the current text color. To change the color, simply click on the color swatch:
The text color swatch in the Options Bar in Photoshop. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Change the color of the text by clicking on the color swatch in the Options Bar.
This will bring up Photoshop’s Color Picker. Choose whichever color you’d like to use for your text. I’m going to select a bright shade of red. When you’re done, click OK in the top right corner of the Color Picker to exit out of it:
Photoshop's Color Picker. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Choose a new color for the text from the Color Picker, then click OK to exit out of it.
The color swatch in the Options Bar will change to show the color you’ve selected.

Step 5: Add Your Text To The Document

With our font and text color selected, click inside the document and add your text. I’m going to type “PHOTOSHOP”, all in capital letters to enhance the effect. Don’t worry if the text appears too large or too small for now. We can fix that in a moment:
Adding text to the document in Photoshop. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Click inside the document and add your text.
When you’re done typing, click on the checkmark in the Options Bar to accept the text and exit out of text editing mode:
Clicking the checkmark in the Options Bar to accept the text. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Exit out of text editing mode by clicking on the checkmark in the Options Bar.
If we look at our Layers palette, we can see that Photoshop has conveniently placed our text on its own layer above the Background layer. This is what will allow us to work with the text independently from the white background behind it:
The Layers palette in Photoshop. Image © 2009 Photoshop
The text appears on its own layer in the Layers palette.

Step 6: Resize The Type If Needed

If your find that your text is too small (or too large), we can easily fix that using Photoshop’s Free Transformcommand. First, make sure your text layer is selected in the Layers palette (selected layers are highlighted in blue). Then go up to the Edit menu at the top of the screen and choose Free Transform. You can also select the Free Transform command with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+T (Win) / Command+T (Mac):
Selecting the Free Transform command in Photoshop. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Select “Free Transform” from the Edit menu.
You’ll see the Free Transform box and handles appear around your text in the document. To resize the text, hold down your Shift key, then click any of the corner handles (the little squares) and drag the corner inward to make the text smaller or outward to make it larger. Holding the Shift key down as you drag constrains the aspect ratio so you don’t accidentally distort the shape of the text as you’re resizing it. I’m going to make my text just a little bit bigger by dragging the handle in the bottom right corner outward. You can also move the text if you need to by clicking anywhere inside of the Free Transform box and dragging the text to a new location inside the document:
Resizing the text with Free Transform. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Resize and move the text as needed with Free Transform.
When you’re done, press Enter (Win) / Return (Mac) to accept the change and exit out of the Free Transform command.

Step 7: Convert The Text To A Shape

To create our 3D effect, we need to alter the perspective of our text. There’s only one problem though. Photoshop doesn’t allow us to alter the perspective of text (see how that can be a problem?). To show you what I mean, make sure you still have the text layer selected, then go up to the Edit menu at the top of the screen and selectTransform from the list. A secondary menu will appear showing all the various ways we can transform the contents of the layer we currently have selected. Notice how the Distort and Perspective options are grayed out? That means they’re currently unavailable to us, and that’s because Photoshop can’t perform either of these two types of transformations on text.
The solution is to convert our text layer into what’s called a shape layer. By converting the text to a shape, we’ll be able to change the perspective of it and create our effect. The only downside to converting text to a shape is that the type will no longer be editable. In this case though, since we have no need to edit our text, we don’t need to worry about it.
With the text layer still selected, go up to the Layer menu at the top of the screen, choose Type, and then chooseConvert to Shape:
Converting type to a shape in Photoshop. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Go to Layer > Type > Convert to Shape.
If we look in the Layers palette, we can see that the text layer now looks completely different, and that’s because it’s no longer a text layer. Photoshop has converted it to a shape layer, which means we’re now free to apply a Perspective transformation to it and create our 3D text effect:
The Type layer is now a Shape layer in Photoshop. Image © 2009 Photoshop
The text layer has been converted to a shape layer.

Step 8: Change The Perspective

Go back up to the Edit menu. You’ll see that the Transform option we looked at a moment ago has been replaced with a new option named Transform Path. Again, that’s because we’re dealing now with a shape. Choose Transform Path from the list. When the secondary menu appears, you’ll see that both the Distort and Perspective options are now available. Choose Perspective from the list:
Selecting the Transform Path - Perspective option in Photoshop. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Go to Edit > Transform Path > Perspective.
The same box and handles that we saw earlier when we selected the Free Transform command will appear around the text (shape). The difference is, we’re now working in Perspective mode. To change the perspective of the text and give it a three dimensional look, simply click on the handle in the bottom right corner and drag it straight down. As you drag, the height of the right side of the text will increase from its center, while the left side will remain unchanged:
Changing the perspective of the shape in Photoshop. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Click on the bottom right corner handle and drag downward.
When you’re happy with the perspective shift, press Enter (Win) / Return (Mac) to accept the transformation. Your text should now look something like this:
The text has now changed perspective in Photoshop. Image © 2009 Photoshop
The text now appears with a 3D perspective.

Step 9: Create Multiple Copies Of The Shape Layer, Each One Moved Slightly Further To The Right

This next step is the fun part. We’re going to very quickly create multiple copies of our shape layer, each one moved one pixel further to the right from the previous one. This will give our letters some depth. First, select theMove Tool from the Tools palette, or just press the letter V on your keyboard to select it with the shortcut. This trick only works with the Move Tool selected:
Selecting the Move Tool in Photoshop. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Select the Move Tool.
With the Move Tool selected and the shape layer selected in the Layers palette, hold down your Alt (Win) / Option(Mac) key and press the right arrow key on your keyboard. Then press it again. Then again. And again. Notice what’s happening? Each time you press the right arrow key with the Alt / Option key held down, you’re creating a new copy of the shape layer and you’re moving the new copy one pixel over to the right. Holding down Alt / Option tells Photoshop to create a new copy of the shape each time rather than simply moving the existing shape. The more times you press the right arrow key, the more copies of the layer you’ll create, and the more depth we give to our letters.
Keep pressing the right arrow key until you’re happy with the results. In my case, I pressed the arrow key a total of 68 times, creating 68 copies of my shape, each one moved one pixel further to the right. The number of times you press the arrow key will depend on the resolution of the document you’re working with. When you’re done, your text should look something like this:
Creating multiple copies of the shape. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Hold down Alt (Win) / Option (Mac), then press the Right arrow key multiple times to give the letters depth.

Step 10: Move The Original Shape Layer To The Top Of The Layer Stack In The Layers Palette

Each time we created a new copy of our shape, we created a new shape layer in the Layers palette, and Photoshop placed each new layer directly above the previous layer. In my case, my Layers palette now contains 68 copies of my original shape layer. The original shape layer is sitting above the Background layer, with all the copies piled on top of it. You can tell it’s the original because it’s the only shape layer that doesn’t contain the word "copy" in its name.
We need to move that original layer to the very top of the pile, and there’s an easy way to do it. First, click on the original layer in the Layers palette to select it. Then, press Ctrl+Shift+] (Win) / Command+Shift+] (Mac). That’s the right bracket key ("]") in case you’re wondering. This convenient shortcut will instantly move the currently selected layer directly to the top of the layer stack:
Moving the original shape layer to the top of the layer stack. Image © 2009 Photoshop
The original shape layer now appears above the other layers in the Layers palette.

Step 11: Merge All The Copies Together

With our original layer now at the very top of the layer stack, we need to merge all of those copies of the shape layer down to one layer. Click on the layer directly below the original layer in the Layers palette (in other words, the second layer from the top). Then use the scroll bar on the right of the Layers palette to scroll down to the layer directly above the Background layer. Don’t just click on it though to select it because that will deselect the layer you just selected at the top. Instead, hold down the Shift key on the keyboard and then click on the layer to select it. This will select both layers at the same time, along with every layer in between them. All of these layers will appear highlighted in blue in the Layers palette.
With all of our copied layers now selected, go up to the Layer menu at the top of the screen and choose Merge Layers down near the bottom of the list. Or for a faster way, press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+E (Win) /Command+E (Mac):
The Merge Layers command in Photoshop. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Go to Layer > Merge Layers.
Photoshop will merge all of the selected layers into a single layer. If we look in our Layers palette, we can see that we now have only three layers. The Background layer is on the bottom, the original shape layer is on the top, and in between them is our newly merged layer:
The layers are now merged into one. Image © 2009 Photoshop
All of the shape layer copies have been merged into a single layer.

Step 12: Add A Black-To-White Gradient To The Merged Layer

To give our letters a truly 3D appearance, let’s complete things by adding a simple lighting effect. Or at least, something that looks like a lighting effect. Click on the merged layer in the Layers palette to select it if it’s not selected already. Then click on the Layer Styles icon at the bottom of the Layers palette. A list of all the available layer styles will appear. Click on Gradient Overlay to select it:
Selecting a Gradient Overlay layer style. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Select a Gradient Overlay layer style from the bottom of the Layers palette.
This will bring up Photoshop’s Layer Style dialog box set to the Gradient Overlay options in the middle column. We want to use a black to white gradient for our fake lighting effect. If you already have the black to white gradient selected, you can skip this next step. If you have some other gradient selected, click on the gradient preview area in the middle of the options:
The gradient preview area in the Layer Style dialog box. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Click on the gradient preview area in the Layer Style dialog box to choose a new gradient.
This brings up the Gradient Picker, showing us all the available gradients we can choose from. The one we want is the Black, White gradient, third from the left, top row. If you have Tool Tips enabled in Photoshop’s Preferences, you’ll see the name of the gradient appear when you hover over the thumbnail. Click on it to select it, then click OKin the top right corner to accept it:
Selecting the Black, White gradient. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Choose the Black, White gradient.
Back in the main Gradient Overlay options, you’ll see the gradient preview area now showing the black to white gradient (if it wasn’t already). Below it are a couple of important options. Make sure the Style option is set to Linearand the gradient Angle is set to 90°:
The Gradient Overlay options. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Make sure the Style option is set to Linear and that the Angle is set to 90°.
Click OK when you’re done to exit out of the Layer Style dialog box, and we’re done! Photoshop applies the black to white gradient to the merged layer, creating a shadow effect on the letters and completing our simple 3D text effect:
Photoshop 3D text. Image © 2009 Photoshop
The final 3D text effect.
And there we have it!
EnjOy.. :)
Bugs Of Tecn0l0gy

October 07, 2013

::1080i vs. 1080p vs. 720p - What does it mean?::

1080i vs. 1080p vs. 720p - What does it mean?

You've been looking for a new high definition TV (HDTV), and have come head to head with lots of new terminology.  The biggest buzzwords you'll see when choosing a new flat screen, plasma TV or DVD player include 1080i and 720p, as well as 1080p.
Your main concern when choosing a high definition screen is the "structure" of the screen, which refers to the pixels on its digital display.  This would be the equivalent of scan lines on the older tube type TV screens.  The more pixels (or lines), the less obvious they are, and the better your image looks.
There are two main flavors of high definition TV, 1080i (the i is for interlaced) and 720p (p for progressive).  1080i offers the most pixels, with a matrix of 1920x1080 pixels, while 720p has fewer pixels at 1280x720 pixels.  However, the difference is made up with the frame rate, which is only 30 frames per second with 1080i, but is double that with 720p, at 60 frames per second.  The total pixels displayed per second is actually very similar, with 720p offering 55 million pixels per second, while 1080 is slightly higher at 62 million pixels per second.

What does all that mean?  It all depends on the type of TV you watch.  720p is better at showing pictures with plenty of motion, since the higher frame rate helps smooth any quick motion on the screen - this is better for sports or action movies.  1080i offers more detail, which is for movies with lots of images or panoramas.
The best of all is the 1080p option.  It offers the best of both world, 60 frames per second at 1920 x 1080 pixels.  The toal bandwidth is 124 million pixels per second, double that of 1080i.  It can display any HDTV signal without any downconverting.  720p signals are upconverted, while 1080i signals only require some gently "de-interlacing" to work properly.  1080p is the perferred option is possible - its backwards compatible with all old formats, and is ready for upcoming high definition discs.

Some terms you'll need to be aware of:

EDTV (Enhanced-Definition Television - 480p)
A TV that can display signal in 480-line progressive (480p) mode, as well as  480p signals from video sources such as progressive-scan DVD players. You will find that 480p picture quality is superior to standard analog TV (also known as 480i), but not quite as sharp as true HDTV (1080i or 720p). You can find EDTVs in lower end plasma or flat-panel LCD models.
HDTV (High-Definition Television - 1080i or 720p)
HDTV refers to the highest-resolution formats of the 18 different DTV formats. Although not clearly defined by the industry,  HDTV is generally considered to be 1,080-line interlaced (1080i) or 720-line progressive (720p).

Vertical resolution: The number of horizontal lines (or pixels) that can be resolved from the top of an image to the bottom. (Think of hundreds of horizontal lines or dots stacked on top of one another.) The vertical resolution of the analog NTSC TV standard is 525 lines. But, some lines are used to carry other data like closed-captioning text, test signals, etc., so we end up with about 480 lines in the final image, regardless of the source. So, all of the typical NTSC sources — VHS VCRs, cable and over-the-air broadcast TV (analog), non-HD digital satellite TV, DVD players, camcorders, etc. — have vertical resolution of 480 lines. DTV (Digital Television) signals have vertical resolution that ranges from 480 lines for SDTV, to 720 or 1080 lines for true HDTV.
Horizontal resolution:
The number of vertical lines (or pixels) that can be resolved from one side of an image to the other. Horizontal resolution is a trickier concept, because while the vertical resolution of all analog (NTSC) video sources is the same (480 lines), the horizontal resolution varies according to the source. Some examples for typical sources: VHS VCRs (240 lines), analog TV broadcasts (330 lines), non-HDTV digital satellite TV (up to 380 lines), and DVD players (540 lines). DTV signals have horizontal resolution that ranges from 640 lines for SDTV, to 1280 lines (for 720p HDTV) or 1920 lines (for 1080i HDTV).

EnjOy..:) Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

October 06, 2013

:How to use Burst Mode on the iPhone 5S:

How to use Burst Mode on the iPhone 5S

Apple's latest flagship iPhone, the 5S, includes some enhancements to the camera, including a new Burst Mode.

When Apple unveiled the iPhone 5S, one of the main feature sets shown off during the presentation was the camera improvements. Two of the new features stood out more than others, were slo-mo videos and a new Burst Mode.
Burst Mode will take photos at up to 10 frames per second on the 5S, so you don't miss the best shot. This comes in especially useful when taking a photo of a child, or an action shot and timing isn't easy.
To use Burst Mode on the iPhone 5S, you launch the Camera app and ensure that you're using either the Photo or the Square setting.
Next, frame your shot and then tap and hold on either the shutter release button on the screen, or the volume-up key on your iPhone.
You'll hear the familiar shutter sound, but instead of just one click, you'll hear a rapid series of them. You'll also find a count indicator on the screen next to the shutter button, going up faster than you can count. This count lets you know how many photos you've snapped in a quick burst.
Don't worry, though, the software in the iPhone 5S will group all of the photos from the same burst into one thumbnail. Doing so prevents any clutter in your Camera Roll, especially if you take a long burst of 50 or 60 photos.
When viewing a set of burst photos, you'll notice a few extra pieces of information on the screen. The first is how you can identify a set of burst photos, complete with a count of photos in the bunch.

The second is the Favorites text at the bottom. What happens after you take a burst of photos is iOS 7 automatically selects what it thinks is the best photo of the bunch and shows that as the main photo. When you tap on Choose Favorites, you're able to scroll through the photos in the set and select a different favorite, or even select multiple favorites. Doing so will copy your selections and paste them into your Camera Roll where you can then share, edit and do what you'd like with the photos.
Deselecting a favorite photo will remove it from your Camera Roll, without removing the copy stored in the original set of burst photos.
When using an older iOS device you may note you can also hold in the shutter button and it will snap a series of photos. While that behavior is similar to that of the iPhone 5S, it's not near as fast, and you'll also notice that all photos taken are placed in your Camera Roll, instead of being grouped as they are on the 5S.
What do you think of the new Burst Mode on the 5S? Is it something you have used, plan or using or will never use? Have you taken an amazing photo only made possible by Burst Mode? Feel free to share it with us below in the comments.

Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

September 30, 2013

:Apple Releases New iMac With Iris Pro:

Apple Releases New iMac With Iris Pro

Following the release of the new iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C, Apple has given its iMac a small revamp. The new release brings Haswell cores from Intel, new NVIDIA Corp. GPUs, improved Fusion drives and more ports.
Last October Apple made major changes to the iMac line, which included a new 5-mm thick aluminum frame. This time round the changes are more subtle but nonetheless contribute to making Apple’s all-in-one (AIO) personal computer a serious contender in the bid for the best value in the market.


Currently Lenovo dominate the AIO PC market after over-taking Apple. So what does the new iMac have to offer? Well the revamped model comes with  8 GB (upgradable two 32 GB for 27-inch, 16 GB for 21.5-inch) of 1600 MHz DDR3 and a 1 terabyte “Fusion” drive, a mostly hard disk hybrid drive with an undisclosed amount of NAND flash onboard (upgradable to 3 TB traditional HDD, a 256 GB SSD, or a 512 GB SSD).
Apple’s AIO PC comes with a wireless “Magic Mouse” and wireless keyboard. It also has 802.11ac Wi-Fi and the following ports:
  •     SDXC card slot
  •     Four USB 3 ports (compatible with USB 2)
  •     Two Thunderbolt ports
  •     Mini DisplayPort output with support for DVI, VGA and dual-link DVI (adapters sold separately)
  •     10/100/1000BASE-T Gigabit Ethernet (RJ-45 connector)
  •     Kensington lock slot
The 21.5-inch model of the iMac, which costs $1,299 comes with the on-die Iris Pro GPU inside the Intel Haswell 2.7 GHz quad-core Core i5- 4570R processor.
Apple claims that it has been able to significantly improve the hardware and firmware of its proprietary Fusion drives, thus making performance 50 percent faster than the previous generation.
Compared to the competition, Apple has priced the new iMacs rather aggressively. Even those who want a Windows 8 AIO can now consider a new iMac via Boot Camp, which supports Windows 8.

Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

September 10, 2013

:The World’s Largest Solar Powered Ship:

The World’s Largest Solar Powered Ship

SAMSUNG DIGITAL CAMERAGlobal Energy crisis is a hot debate these days and scientists are coming up with alternative means to provide for the power requirements. We covered the flying wind mill a few days back and they keep coming up with new innovative methods for power generation. While some of them can be employed on a larger scale and may provide energy for more than one individual, some projects focus on individuals and deliver power for a single household or a vehicle. Solar power has been around for quite some time now and is proving to be very versatile and adaptable source of energy. Today we present the world’s largest solar powered ship. As the name implies, the idea is not new. However, it is impressive because of the scale of things. PlanetSolar has come up with this ship that runs on solar power. The ship has a length of 31m and a width of 15m. Want to take a guess of how many kilowatts it can generate? Here’s a hint, the engine requires around 20 kW. The ship is able to capture almost 103.4 kW of solar energy! That is five times more than what is required. The engine requires 20 kW to achieve a mean speed of 8 knots which is equal to 15 Kph or 9Mph and it is possible for the ship to go twice as fast. This marvelous solar powered ship weighs about 60 ton and costs $24.4 million! The assembly of this ship was carried out at Knierim Yacht club in Kiel, Northern Germany. It took 14 months for this ship to be assembled and launched.

uhjrlTo ensure full maximum solar energy generation, solar cell covered flaps have been installed which are extended at the stern and amidships. Photovoltaic cells have been provided by SunPower and a huge number of 38,000 units have been installed on the ship. The company claims that these photovoltaic cells have an efficiency of 22 %, which renders them as the most efficient photovoltaic cells available in the market right now. The idea conceiver, Raphaël Domjan, is from Switzerland and along with Frenchman Gérard d’Aboville, made the world’s first trip around the world that was powered by solar energy. They travelled more than 60,000 km and ended their trip on 4th May, 2012.

SONY DSC The PlanetSolar team stated that their invention is not intended to replace any traditional marine vehicles. However, they stressed that boating as a activity has been around for a long time and has become a source of pollution for the environment and people have forgotten how clean their transport can be. “Today the boat is the most used means of transport of goods. It represents single-handedly almost 1.4 billions of tons of carbon dioxide (in 2008), that is 6% of the total carbon dioxide emissions and twice more than the air transport.” The project comes with zero environmental pollution and that is perhaps the most impressive feature of this world’s largest solar powered ship.

Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

:NASA Tests A Hybrid Plane That Works Like A Toyota Prius:

NASA Tests A Hybrid Plane That Works Like A Toyota Prius

Hybrid Plane 2Recently there has been a shift in paradigm and now science is doing its best to go green. We have come to realize how our inventions have affected the nature and are doing our best to undo those harmful effects and to be more and more environment friendly. One such project was ERO robot that recycles concrete and Project Zero Electric Plane. This was the reason behind NASA’s project known as Environmentally Responsible Aviation (ERA). The ERA’s goals were to reduce aircraft emissions, noise and fuel consumption. This is what inspired the engineering students from the University of Virginia into focusing their time and energy into the simulation of an environment friendly plane. The result of this work is a simulation that employs a hybrid electric plane which is capable of flight with 50 passengers aboard. The team was led by aerospace engineering students; Sohail Ahmad and Kelly Thomas and these undergraduates used Flight Optimization System (FLOPS) to evaluate a number of designs which were based on propulsions systems and airplanes which are already in use. The whole study was carried out to find out if a hybrid – internal combustion engine and electric motor – was feasible for being a passenger aircraft.
The team decided,  to make use of the batteries while takeoff and landing since they take place in congested areas and the internal combustion engine (ICE) would be in charge during the rest of the flight. The ICE would be charging the batteries for the landing part too. The test plane was chosen to be ATR 42-600 which is a twin turbo propeller commercial aircraft that can carry 48 persons. The team wanted to see if converting this model would result in a feasible hybrid solution to the problem. Two methodologies were employed; series and parallel. In a series system; ICE works to charge the batteries and powers an electric generator which in turn runs the motor. However, for the parallel system; the propeller is capable of being powered by either the ICE and/or electric motor. Their final conclusion was that the parallel system was more efficient for their design and project.
The batteries are a crucial part of this system and they had to consider a number of factors including the power to weight ratio and life of battery. The modeling they did in FLOPS gave them specifics for the battery they needed. Accordingly they needed energy enough to provide them with a thrust of more than 6,000 lbs at a speed of 368 km/hr. This came down to be 1500 kW per engine. Their final choice of battery was a Lithium polymer battery which ended in a total weight of batteries equaling less than 13,000 lbs.

Hybrid Plane

The final conclusion from the team tells us that in the coming years using this modification approach for an aircraft designed to work ICE  would be much more fuel efficient  for distances of up to 300 miles and holds a promise for the environment. However, retrofitting the current technology won’t prove to be very fruitful.  But they are confident that using the current technology to design an aircraft specifically for the hybrid propulsion system would do the trick. Research is in progress and we wish them good luck. This sure is a work of wonderful engineering.

Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

May 15, 2013

:Top 5 iOS 7 Rumors:

Top 5 iOS 7 Rumors

Whenever the time for a new iOS version comes near, pundits and average users alike run around like headless chickens, declaring and wishing for features that are needed and wanted. History has taught us that where there is smoke, there is fire; so when the inevitable slew of iOS rumors hit the Internet, you can say that it’s not a complete waste of your time to keep track of them. There is, of course, the argument that we will get what Apple decides to give us anyway, but where’s the fun in merely sitting back and letting the Internet do its thing without being more than an observer?
Top 5 iOS 7 Rumors
June is almost here, which brings us the the already sold-out WWDC. That means we’re going to – probably – hear the official word on Apple’s latest mobile OS (among other things such as, maybe, the iPad 5). Not being one to pass up on speculating, let me share with you some the top 5 iOS 7 rumors so far.
1. Expect delay
What’s new, really? We cannot ignore the fact that with many tech releases – and not only with Apple – delays are part of the package. What could very well be the highlight of the iOS 7 rumors is this expected delay, which is mainly credited to Jony Ive’s design overhaul. Having seen what Ive has done over the years, though, the chances are that the result will be worth the wait. Oh, and there’s the tiny detail of un-Forstalling iOS.

ios 7 rumors

That being said, the official word is that iOS 7 is expected to be released by September, even though internal deadlines have been moved.
2. Bye bye skeuomorphism
Skeuomorphism  has become a buzzword in recent times, and it has received one bashing too many in my opinion. Maybe my bias toward the design concept has something to do what that. In any case, iOS 7 rumors point to the death of skeuomorphism. Again, Sir Jony Ive is right smack in the middle of the picture with his concept of a very flat design. It’s definitely going to be a huge change. How do you feel about this?

Top 5 iOS 7 Rumors

3. In-car integration of Maps and Siri
Siri can be sassy sometimes. Maps is a dead horse that people should stop beating. Apple has not given up on either of them and, in fact, has continued to make improvements. Going one step further, another of the iOS 7 rumors that we’ve been hearing is that Apple is collaborating with car makers in order to make Maps and Siri an inherent part of car center consoles. Specifically, instead of proprietary GPS software, a plugged-in iPhone will allow Apple Maps to be used. Do you use Apple Maps?

4. Face value
This rumored feature is for those who care about security/privacy so much so that they put a passcode on their iPhone but hate the inconvenience of having to enter those numbers all the time. If the iOS 7 rumors can be believed, then the next iPhone will have an image recognition system which will allow users to unlock their phones without resorting to entering a passcode.
Where does this particular rumor stem from? From a patent which was published earlier this year. For someone who has NEVER used a passcode on her iPhone, I actually wouldn’t mind this feature.

Top 5 iOS 7 Rumors

5. iRadio
I’ve always been one to use different devices for specific reasons. The iPhone is a phone. The iPod Nano is an mp3 player. The iPad is a gaming device. I do understand, though, that many other users prefer to use one device for everything. Hence, the iPhone functions as a phone, music player, ebook reader, and gaming device all in one. If you rely heavily on your iPhone for music, then you will love the last iOS 7 rumor on this list: iRadio.
It makes sense that Apple is not leaving Internet radio alone. And with the not-so-quiet whispers that Apple and Universal Music Group (as well as Warner Music) are close to signing a deal (if they haven’t already), signs are pointing at iRadio becoming a reality in time for iOS 7. Additionally, back in 2009, Apple bought Lala, a music service that is all about allowing users to stream purchased music to their PCs and/or Macs. Back then, the news was that Apple had no intentions of offering a service that would, for example, use Lala to stream music to the iPhone via an Apple-offered subscription-based application. This could very well change soon, though.
When it comes to Internet radio, Spotify and Pandora are the big names, but the entry of Apple will surely make a dent in that space. After all, the number of iTunes users is nothing to scoff at!

Top 5 iOS 7 Rumors

Aside from the existing user base, however, what is Apple banking on to make iRadio a success? We’re still at the rumor stages, remember, but we hear that iRadio will have more on-demand features; and in an age where on-demand is the in thing, this will certainly give iRadio a boost.
So there you have the top 5 iOS 7 rumors. Are you inclined to believe all – or any – of them? Which ones do you actually want to see in the next iOS?
