

Showing posts with label Photo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photo. Show all posts

October 09, 2013

:Create Simple 3D Text In Photoshop:

Create Simple 3D Text In Photoshop

Written by Bugs Of Techn0l0gyIn this Photoshop text effects tutorial, we’ll learn how to create simple 3D text:
Photoshop 3D text. Image © 2009 Photoshop
The final 3D text effect.
Let’s get started!
Step 1: Create a New Document
To begin, let’s create a brand new Photoshop document. Go up to the File menu at the top of the screen and choose New, or for a quicker way, press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+N (Win) / Command+N (Mac). Whichever way you choose, Photoshop pops up the New Document dialog box. Enter the size you need for your document. For this tutorial, I’m going to enter a Width of 6 inches, a Height of 4 inches, and a Resolution of 300 pixels/inch, which is a standard resolution for professional quality printing. I’m also going to set my Background Contents toWhite, which will set the background color of my new document to white. When you’re done, click OK in the top right corner of the dialog box to exit out of it. Your new Photoshop document will appear on the screen.
The New Document dialog box in Photoshop. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Create a new Photoshop document using the New Document dialog box.

Step 2: Select The Type Tool From Photoshop’s Tools Palette

To add text to the document, we’ll need to use Photoshop’s Type Tool. Select it from the Tools palette, or press the letter T on your keyboard to select it with the shortcut:
Photoshop Type Tool. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Select the Type Tool.

Step 3: Choose A Font From The Options Bar

Next, we need to choose a font. With the Type Tool selected, you’ll notice that the Options Bar at the top of the screen has changed to show the options for the Type Tool. Choose whichever font you’d like to use from the list of fonts that you currently have available on your computer. This 3D effect works best with fonts that have big, thick letters. I’m going to choose Impact. You can also choose a size for your text if you like, but it’s not really necessary at this point since we can easily change the size of the text later, as we’ll see. For now, all we need is the font:
Choosing a font from the Options Bar in Photoshop. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Choose a font from the Options Bar.

Step 4: Choose A Color For Your Text

Next, we need to choose a color for our text. If you look further to the right in the Options Bar, you’ll see a color swatch. The color swatch shows the current text color. To change the color, simply click on the color swatch:
The text color swatch in the Options Bar in Photoshop. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Change the color of the text by clicking on the color swatch in the Options Bar.
This will bring up Photoshop’s Color Picker. Choose whichever color you’d like to use for your text. I’m going to select a bright shade of red. When you’re done, click OK in the top right corner of the Color Picker to exit out of it:
Photoshop's Color Picker. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Choose a new color for the text from the Color Picker, then click OK to exit out of it.
The color swatch in the Options Bar will change to show the color you’ve selected.

Step 5: Add Your Text To The Document

With our font and text color selected, click inside the document and add your text. I’m going to type “PHOTOSHOP”, all in capital letters to enhance the effect. Don’t worry if the text appears too large or too small for now. We can fix that in a moment:
Adding text to the document in Photoshop. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Click inside the document and add your text.
When you’re done typing, click on the checkmark in the Options Bar to accept the text and exit out of text editing mode:
Clicking the checkmark in the Options Bar to accept the text. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Exit out of text editing mode by clicking on the checkmark in the Options Bar.
If we look at our Layers palette, we can see that Photoshop has conveniently placed our text on its own layer above the Background layer. This is what will allow us to work with the text independently from the white background behind it:
The Layers palette in Photoshop. Image © 2009 Photoshop
The text appears on its own layer in the Layers palette.

Step 6: Resize The Type If Needed

If your find that your text is too small (or too large), we can easily fix that using Photoshop’s Free Transformcommand. First, make sure your text layer is selected in the Layers palette (selected layers are highlighted in blue). Then go up to the Edit menu at the top of the screen and choose Free Transform. You can also select the Free Transform command with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+T (Win) / Command+T (Mac):
Selecting the Free Transform command in Photoshop. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Select “Free Transform” from the Edit menu.
You’ll see the Free Transform box and handles appear around your text in the document. To resize the text, hold down your Shift key, then click any of the corner handles (the little squares) and drag the corner inward to make the text smaller or outward to make it larger. Holding the Shift key down as you drag constrains the aspect ratio so you don’t accidentally distort the shape of the text as you’re resizing it. I’m going to make my text just a little bit bigger by dragging the handle in the bottom right corner outward. You can also move the text if you need to by clicking anywhere inside of the Free Transform box and dragging the text to a new location inside the document:
Resizing the text with Free Transform. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Resize and move the text as needed with Free Transform.
When you’re done, press Enter (Win) / Return (Mac) to accept the change and exit out of the Free Transform command.

Step 7: Convert The Text To A Shape

To create our 3D effect, we need to alter the perspective of our text. There’s only one problem though. Photoshop doesn’t allow us to alter the perspective of text (see how that can be a problem?). To show you what I mean, make sure you still have the text layer selected, then go up to the Edit menu at the top of the screen and selectTransform from the list. A secondary menu will appear showing all the various ways we can transform the contents of the layer we currently have selected. Notice how the Distort and Perspective options are grayed out? That means they’re currently unavailable to us, and that’s because Photoshop can’t perform either of these two types of transformations on text.
The solution is to convert our text layer into what’s called a shape layer. By converting the text to a shape, we’ll be able to change the perspective of it and create our effect. The only downside to converting text to a shape is that the type will no longer be editable. In this case though, since we have no need to edit our text, we don’t need to worry about it.
With the text layer still selected, go up to the Layer menu at the top of the screen, choose Type, and then chooseConvert to Shape:
Converting type to a shape in Photoshop. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Go to Layer > Type > Convert to Shape.
If we look in the Layers palette, we can see that the text layer now looks completely different, and that’s because it’s no longer a text layer. Photoshop has converted it to a shape layer, which means we’re now free to apply a Perspective transformation to it and create our 3D text effect:
The Type layer is now a Shape layer in Photoshop. Image © 2009 Photoshop
The text layer has been converted to a shape layer.

Step 8: Change The Perspective

Go back up to the Edit menu. You’ll see that the Transform option we looked at a moment ago has been replaced with a new option named Transform Path. Again, that’s because we’re dealing now with a shape. Choose Transform Path from the list. When the secondary menu appears, you’ll see that both the Distort and Perspective options are now available. Choose Perspective from the list:
Selecting the Transform Path - Perspective option in Photoshop. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Go to Edit > Transform Path > Perspective.
The same box and handles that we saw earlier when we selected the Free Transform command will appear around the text (shape). The difference is, we’re now working in Perspective mode. To change the perspective of the text and give it a three dimensional look, simply click on the handle in the bottom right corner and drag it straight down. As you drag, the height of the right side of the text will increase from its center, while the left side will remain unchanged:
Changing the perspective of the shape in Photoshop. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Click on the bottom right corner handle and drag downward.
When you’re happy with the perspective shift, press Enter (Win) / Return (Mac) to accept the transformation. Your text should now look something like this:
The text has now changed perspective in Photoshop. Image © 2009 Photoshop
The text now appears with a 3D perspective.

Step 9: Create Multiple Copies Of The Shape Layer, Each One Moved Slightly Further To The Right

This next step is the fun part. We’re going to very quickly create multiple copies of our shape layer, each one moved one pixel further to the right from the previous one. This will give our letters some depth. First, select theMove Tool from the Tools palette, or just press the letter V on your keyboard to select it with the shortcut. This trick only works with the Move Tool selected:
Selecting the Move Tool in Photoshop. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Select the Move Tool.
With the Move Tool selected and the shape layer selected in the Layers palette, hold down your Alt (Win) / Option(Mac) key and press the right arrow key on your keyboard. Then press it again. Then again. And again. Notice what’s happening? Each time you press the right arrow key with the Alt / Option key held down, you’re creating a new copy of the shape layer and you’re moving the new copy one pixel over to the right. Holding down Alt / Option tells Photoshop to create a new copy of the shape each time rather than simply moving the existing shape. The more times you press the right arrow key, the more copies of the layer you’ll create, and the more depth we give to our letters.
Keep pressing the right arrow key until you’re happy with the results. In my case, I pressed the arrow key a total of 68 times, creating 68 copies of my shape, each one moved one pixel further to the right. The number of times you press the arrow key will depend on the resolution of the document you’re working with. When you’re done, your text should look something like this:
Creating multiple copies of the shape. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Hold down Alt (Win) / Option (Mac), then press the Right arrow key multiple times to give the letters depth.

Step 10: Move The Original Shape Layer To The Top Of The Layer Stack In The Layers Palette

Each time we created a new copy of our shape, we created a new shape layer in the Layers palette, and Photoshop placed each new layer directly above the previous layer. In my case, my Layers palette now contains 68 copies of my original shape layer. The original shape layer is sitting above the Background layer, with all the copies piled on top of it. You can tell it’s the original because it’s the only shape layer that doesn’t contain the word "copy" in its name.
We need to move that original layer to the very top of the pile, and there’s an easy way to do it. First, click on the original layer in the Layers palette to select it. Then, press Ctrl+Shift+] (Win) / Command+Shift+] (Mac). That’s the right bracket key ("]") in case you’re wondering. This convenient shortcut will instantly move the currently selected layer directly to the top of the layer stack:
Moving the original shape layer to the top of the layer stack. Image © 2009 Photoshop
The original shape layer now appears above the other layers in the Layers palette.

Step 11: Merge All The Copies Together

With our original layer now at the very top of the layer stack, we need to merge all of those copies of the shape layer down to one layer. Click on the layer directly below the original layer in the Layers palette (in other words, the second layer from the top). Then use the scroll bar on the right of the Layers palette to scroll down to the layer directly above the Background layer. Don’t just click on it though to select it because that will deselect the layer you just selected at the top. Instead, hold down the Shift key on the keyboard and then click on the layer to select it. This will select both layers at the same time, along with every layer in between them. All of these layers will appear highlighted in blue in the Layers palette.
With all of our copied layers now selected, go up to the Layer menu at the top of the screen and choose Merge Layers down near the bottom of the list. Or for a faster way, press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+E (Win) /Command+E (Mac):
The Merge Layers command in Photoshop. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Go to Layer > Merge Layers.
Photoshop will merge all of the selected layers into a single layer. If we look in our Layers palette, we can see that we now have only three layers. The Background layer is on the bottom, the original shape layer is on the top, and in between them is our newly merged layer:
The layers are now merged into one. Image © 2009 Photoshop
All of the shape layer copies have been merged into a single layer.

Step 12: Add A Black-To-White Gradient To The Merged Layer

To give our letters a truly 3D appearance, let’s complete things by adding a simple lighting effect. Or at least, something that looks like a lighting effect. Click on the merged layer in the Layers palette to select it if it’s not selected already. Then click on the Layer Styles icon at the bottom of the Layers palette. A list of all the available layer styles will appear. Click on Gradient Overlay to select it:
Selecting a Gradient Overlay layer style. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Select a Gradient Overlay layer style from the bottom of the Layers palette.
This will bring up Photoshop’s Layer Style dialog box set to the Gradient Overlay options in the middle column. We want to use a black to white gradient for our fake lighting effect. If you already have the black to white gradient selected, you can skip this next step. If you have some other gradient selected, click on the gradient preview area in the middle of the options:
The gradient preview area in the Layer Style dialog box. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Click on the gradient preview area in the Layer Style dialog box to choose a new gradient.
This brings up the Gradient Picker, showing us all the available gradients we can choose from. The one we want is the Black, White gradient, third from the left, top row. If you have Tool Tips enabled in Photoshop’s Preferences, you’ll see the name of the gradient appear when you hover over the thumbnail. Click on it to select it, then click OKin the top right corner to accept it:
Selecting the Black, White gradient. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Choose the Black, White gradient.
Back in the main Gradient Overlay options, you’ll see the gradient preview area now showing the black to white gradient (if it wasn’t already). Below it are a couple of important options. Make sure the Style option is set to Linearand the gradient Angle is set to 90°:
The Gradient Overlay options. Image © 2009 Photoshop
Make sure the Style option is set to Linear and that the Angle is set to 90°.
Click OK when you’re done to exit out of the Layer Style dialog box, and we’re done! Photoshop applies the black to white gradient to the merged layer, creating a shadow effect on the letters and completing our simple 3D text effect:
Photoshop 3D text. Image © 2009 Photoshop
The final 3D text effect.
And there we have it!
EnjOy.. :)
Bugs Of Tecn0l0gy

October 06, 2013

:How to use Burst Mode on the iPhone 5S:

How to use Burst Mode on the iPhone 5S

Apple's latest flagship iPhone, the 5S, includes some enhancements to the camera, including a new Burst Mode.

When Apple unveiled the iPhone 5S, one of the main feature sets shown off during the presentation was the camera improvements. Two of the new features stood out more than others, were slo-mo videos and a new Burst Mode.
Burst Mode will take photos at up to 10 frames per second on the 5S, so you don't miss the best shot. This comes in especially useful when taking a photo of a child, or an action shot and timing isn't easy.
To use Burst Mode on the iPhone 5S, you launch the Camera app and ensure that you're using either the Photo or the Square setting.
Next, frame your shot and then tap and hold on either the shutter release button on the screen, or the volume-up key on your iPhone.
You'll hear the familiar shutter sound, but instead of just one click, you'll hear a rapid series of them. You'll also find a count indicator on the screen next to the shutter button, going up faster than you can count. This count lets you know how many photos you've snapped in a quick burst.
Don't worry, though, the software in the iPhone 5S will group all of the photos from the same burst into one thumbnail. Doing so prevents any clutter in your Camera Roll, especially if you take a long burst of 50 or 60 photos.
When viewing a set of burst photos, you'll notice a few extra pieces of information on the screen. The first is how you can identify a set of burst photos, complete with a count of photos in the bunch.

The second is the Favorites text at the bottom. What happens after you take a burst of photos is iOS 7 automatically selects what it thinks is the best photo of the bunch and shows that as the main photo. When you tap on Choose Favorites, you're able to scroll through the photos in the set and select a different favorite, or even select multiple favorites. Doing so will copy your selections and paste them into your Camera Roll where you can then share, edit and do what you'd like with the photos.
Deselecting a favorite photo will remove it from your Camera Roll, without removing the copy stored in the original set of burst photos.
When using an older iOS device you may note you can also hold in the shutter button and it will snap a series of photos. While that behavior is similar to that of the iPhone 5S, it's not near as fast, and you'll also notice that all photos taken are placed in your Camera Roll, instead of being grouped as they are on the 5S.
What do you think of the new Burst Mode on the 5S? Is it something you have used, plan or using or will never use? Have you taken an amazing photo only made possible by Burst Mode? Feel free to share it with us below in the comments.

Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

September 10, 2013

:Canon EOS 600D with 18-55mm Lens:

Canon EOS 600D with 18-55mm Lens

Pak Rs. 57,499
Canon EOS 600D with 18-55mm Lens

18 MP APS-C CMOS sensor

An APS-C sized, 18-megapixel CMOS sensor captures images that are packed with detail and clarity. Such high-resolution allows large print sizes and the flexibility to crop pictures for alternative compositions.

ISO 100-6400 sensitivity

An ISO range of 100-6400, extendable to ISO 12,800, enables high-quality hand-held shooting in low-light conditions, without the need for flash.

14-bit image processing

At the heart of the Canon EOS 600D is a 14-bit DIGIC 4 image processor that provides exceptional colour reproduction, smooth tonal gradation and tight control over noise.

Scene Intelligent Auto mode

Scene Intelligent Auto analyzes each scene in detail and picks the right camera settings each and every time, leaving you free to concentrate on what’s important – your photography.

On-screen Feature Guide

The EOS 600D’s on-screen Feature Guide provides descriptions of many of the camera’s functions, as well as advice on how to use them.

Full-HD EOS Movie

Shoot Full-HD video with manual control over frame rate, exposure and sound. Video Snapshot technology allows short clips of 2, 4 or 8 sec to be merged into a single movie file, for footage that looks like it was edited professionally, while Movie Digital Zoom permits 3-10x magnification.

9-point wide-area AF and iFCL metering

Nine AF points, including one central cross-type sensor, spread out across the frame for swift, accurate focusing, even with off-centre subjects. 63-zone iFCL metering ensures accurate exposures time after time.

1,040k-dot vari-angle 7.7cm (3.0”) screen

Shoot from unique angles with a 7.7cm (3.0”) 3:2 Clear View LCD screen, containing 1,040,000 dots for increased clarity.


Basic+ technology allows photographers to customize basic auto settings according to lighting conditions or ambience.

Creative Filter Effects

Creative Filter Effects can be applied to Raw and JPEG files post capture, including Toy Camera, Soft Focus, Miniature, Grainy Black & White and Fish Eye simulations.

Built-in wireless flash control

An integrated wireless Speedlite flash controller and Easy Wireless technology allow off-camera TTL flash without the need for extra accessories.

Use with all EF and EF-S lenses

The EOS 600D is supported by the complete system: flashguns, remote releases and over 60 lenses trusted by professional photographers the world over.

Mega Pixel                                    18.0
LCD Size                                    3.0 Inch
LCD Resolution                                    1.04 million dots
Memory Type                                    SD/SDHC/SDXC
Built In Flash                                    Yes
Battery Life                                    460 Images
Dimension                                    133.1 x 99.5 x 79.7 mm
Weight                                     570g

Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

August 22, 2013

:How to Design an iPhone Music Player App Interface With Photoshop CS6:

How to Design an iPhone Music Player App Interface With Photoshop CS6

Tutorial Details
  • Apps Used: Adobe Photoshop CS6
  • Difficulty: Intermediate
  • Estimated Completion Time: 2 - 3 Hours

Final Product What You'll Be Creating

Download Source
Photoshop CS6 is a much more powerful vector editing application than its predecessors. In this tutorial, we will show you how to use these new features to create an iPhone music player app interface in both the original iPhone resolution, as well as retina without having to repeat the same process for both designs. Let’s get started!

Step 1

Create a new file. Set Width to 320px and Height to 480px.

Step 2

In this step we are going to create the background. There is a new easier way of creating vector shapes in Photoshop CS6 and we are going to use that method through out the whole tutorial.
Create a new group and name it “Background.” Select the Rectangle Tool (R) and in the Options Bar set the Tool Mode to Shape, then click on the button just next to it to choose the Shape Fill Type. From the list of fill types select the Gradient button. Set all the values the same as the values that are highlighted on the image below. Use the colors #3F4042 and #303133 for the gradient.
Click anywhere on the canvas. When the Create Rectangle window pops out, just click OK and make sure the dimensions are set to 700x700px. Name the newly created layer “Background.”
Press Cmd/Ctrl + A to select the whole canvas, select the Move Tool (V) and then in the Options Bar click on the Align Horizontal Centers and Align Bottom Edges Buttons.
Double click the layer thumbnail on the layer “Background” and make sure the Dither check-box is checked. This way you’ll get a smooth gradient without banding.

Step 3

Open statusbar.psd in Photoshop and import the Status Bar group to your working PSD. Use the method mentioned above to align the group “Status Bar” – Press Cmd/Ctrl + A to select the whole canvas and while using the Move Tool (V) click on the Align Horizontal Centers and Align Top Edges buttons.

Step 4

Create a new group below the group “Status Bar” and name it “Navigation Bar.” Select the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) and set the properties as shown on the image below. Use #5F8F1D and #99B83D for the gradient. Click anywhere on the canvas and click OK when the Create Rounded Rectangle window pops out. Name the newly created layer “Nav Bg.”
Align the layer horizontally to the center and vertically just below the status bar as shown below.
Select the Rectangle Tool (U) and draw a rectangle shape similar to the one that is shown below, but make sure this shape covers just the bottom part of the layer “Nav Bg.” I used the No color option for the Shape Fill Type.
Using the Path Selection Tool (A) select the newly created shape. Press Cmd/Ctrl + C to copy the shape to the clipboard. Now select the layer “Nav Bg” in the Layers panel and hit Cmd/Ctrl + V. Now the shape is pasted onto the layer “Nav Bg.”
With the Path Selection Tool (A) still on, click the Path Operations button in the Options Bar and then select Subtract Front Shape.
Now click again on the Path Operations button and then select Merge Shape Components.
Using the Direct Selection Tool (A) select the two bottom points and move them until the height of the shape is 43px.
Apply the following layer style to the layer “Nav Bg”:

Step 5

Using the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) draw a shape with the properties that are shown below. Use Solid Color for the Shape Fill Type. Name the newly created layer “Settings Bg.”
Apply the following layer style:
Move “Settings Bg” so its vertically aligned to the center of “Nav Bg” and horizontally 6px from the right edge of the canvas.
Open icons.psd and move the layer “Settings” to your PSD. Align the icon horizontally and vertically to the center of “Settings Bg.”
Apply the following layer style:

Step 6

Using the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) draw a shape with the properties that are shown below. Use Solid Color for the Shape Fill Type. Name the newly created layer “Back Bg.”
Using the Add Anchor Point Tool add one anchor point on the left side of the rectangle and 14px below the top edge.
Using the Convert Point Tool click on the same anchor point.
Now select the Direct Selection Tool (A) and move the point 10px to the left.
With the Direct Selection Tool (A) still on select the two anchor points that are highlighted on the image below and move them 1px to the left. Then select the Convert Point Tool and click on each of the two anchor points.
Align the shape vertically to the center of “Nav Bg” and horizontally 6px from the left edge of the canvas.

Step 7

Now that we are finished with the drawing of the shape, we can add a style to it. Right click on the layer “Settings Bg” and select Copy Layer Style, then right click on the layer “Back Bg” and select Paste Layer Style.
Add text to the button using the parameters from the image below. I used the font Helvetica Neue. Align the text to the center of the shape and copy the layer style from the layer “Settings.”
Add title text using the parameters from the image below and align it to the center of the navigation bar.

Step 8

Create a new group below the group “Navigation Bar” and name it “Position.” Select the Rectangle Tool (U) and set the properties as shown on the image below, then click somewhere on the canvas. Use #2E2F30 and #494A4C for the gradient. Name the layer “Position Bg.”
Place the shape below the Navigation Bar, but make sure there is one-pixel gap between them. Align the shape horizontally to the center of the canvas.
Apply the following layer style to the shape:

Step 9

Select the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) and set the properties as shown on the image below, then click somewhere on the canvas. Set the Radius to some higher value. I used 50px.
Name the layer “Position Empty” and align it, both horizontally and vertically, to the center of the layer “Position Bg.”
Apply the following layer style:
Select the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) and set the properties as shown on the image below, then click somewhere on the canvas. Use #85AD2A, #A0D028 and #B6D028 for the gradient. Again, set the Radius to some higher value. Name this layer “Position Full.”
Align the shape as its shown on the image below, but make sure there is a two-pixel gap on all sides between the shape and the layer “Position Empty.”
Apply the following layer style to the shape:

Step 10

Select the Ellipse Tool (U) and set the properties as shown on the image below, then click somewhere on the canvas. Use #444547 and #5C5E61 for the gradient. Name this layer “Handle.”
Align this shape so it covers the right edge of the layer “Position Full.”
Apply the following layer style:
Select again the Ellipse Tool (U) and set the properties as shown on the image below, then click somewhere on the canvas. Use #636669 and #38393B for the gradient. Name this layer “Handle Circle.”
Align the shape to the center of the layer “Handle.”
Add text for the time. Use Helvetica Neue, Bold. The size is 10pt and the color #B2B2B2. Align the text as shown on the image below.

Step 11

Create a new group and name it “Playback Controls.” Using the Ellipse Tool (U) draw a circle with dimensions 50x50px. Don’t pay attention to the other parameters. Name the new layer “Play Bg.”
Expand the group “Position”, right-click the layer “Handle” and select Copy Shape Attributes from the menu.
Go back to the group “Playback Controls”, right-click on the layer “Play Bg” and select Paste Shape Attributes from the menu. This is a new feature in Photoshop CS6. This way instead of setting up all the attributes for Shape Fill Type, like gradient colors, angle etc. we are copying those attributes from the layer “Handle”, since we are using the same values for the newly created layer.
Align the layer horizontally to the center of the canvas and vertically 20px below “Position Bg.”
Apply the following layer style:

Step 12

Right-click the layer “Play Bg” and select Duplicate Layer. Name the new layer “Fast Backward Bg.”
Using the Path Selection Tool (A) click on the layer “Fast Backward Bg” and change the dimensions in the Options Bar to 34x34px.
Align the layer vertically to the center of “Play Bg” and horizontally 8px to the left.
Duplicate “Fast Backward Bg” and name the new layer “Fast Forward Bg.” Align the layer the same as the previous one, but this time on the right side.

Step 13

Create a new circle shape with the parameters from the image below. Use #46484A and #2C2D2E for the gradient. Make sure the newly created layer is below all the other layers in the group “Playback Controls.”
Name the layer “Playback Bg” and align it both horizontally and vertically to the center of “Play Bg”
Duplicate “Playback Bg” and reduce the size to 48x48px, using the method that we used in Step 12. Align the layer to the center of “Fast Backward Bg.”
Now duplicate the layer again and align it to the center of “Fast Forward Bg.”
Import the layers “Fast Backward”, “Play” and “Fast Forward” from icons.psd. Align the icons as shown on the image below.
Select the three icon layers by holding Cmd/Ctrl on the keyboard and clicking on each layer accordingly. Set the opacity to 85%.
Import the layers “Speaker” and “Repeat” from icons.psd. Align the icons as shown below.
The imported icons are filled with solid color, but we are going to apply a gradient to them. Using the Path Selection Tool (A) select the layer “Speaker” and set the parameters from the image below. Use the colors #6B6C70 and #797B80 for the gradient.
Copy the attributes from the speaker icon with the Copy Shape Attributes option and paste them to the repeat icon.
Apply the following layer style to the speaker and repeat icons:

Step 14

In this step we are going to place the album covers in our design. After the importing we are going to convert them to smart objects and reduce the size of the smart objects by 50%. We are doing this because in the final tutorial step the file will be resized to the retina resolution. This way we won’t lose the quality of the raster images after resizing to retina.
Open albumcover-02.jpg and import the image to your PSD.
Convert the layer to smart object by going to Layer > Smart Objects > Convert to Smart Object. Press Cmd/Ctrl + T on the keyboard to transform the layer. Reduce the size to 50%. Name this layer “Album Cover Center.”
Align the layer horizontally to the center of the canvas and vertically 20px below the layer “Play Bg.”
Using the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) draw a shape with the parameters shown below. Set the size to 180x180px. Use No Color for the Shape Fill Type and set the radius to 3px.
Align the shape exactly on top of the album cover image.
Now apply the shape to the album cover image by dragging the mouse cursor from the thumbnail of the rounded rectangle layer to the thumbnail of the layer “Album Cover Center”, while holding the Cmd/Ctrl + Alt keys on your keyboard. After you are done with the copying, delete the layer with the rounded rectangle, since we don’t need it anymore.

Step 15

Open albumcover-01.jpg and import the image to your PSD, convert it to smart object and resize to 50%. Align the cover vertically to the center of the layer “Album Cover Center” and horizontally 40px to the left. Name the layer “Album Cover Left.”
Using the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) draw a shape with the parameters shown below. This time set the size to 160x160px. Use No Color for the Shape Fill Type and set the radius to 3px.
Copy the rounded rectangle shape to the layer “Album Cover Left” using the same method for the center cover. After you are done, delete the layer with the rounded rectangle.
Open albumcover-03.jpg and import it to your PSD. Repeat the same procedure that we used for the left cover, but this time align the image on the right side as shown below.

Step 16

Apply the following layer style to the center cover:
Copy the layer style from the center cover and paste it to the other two covers. Now select both the left and right cover layers and set the Fill to 50%.
Insert a text for the playing song title. Place it few pixels below the center cover.
Insert another line of text for the playing song author. Align both lines to the center.

Step 18

Using the Rectangle Tool (U) draw a shape with the parameters shown below. Use #292A2B and #38393B for the gradient.
Align the shape to the bottom left corner of the canvas.
Using the Add Anchor Point Tool add two anchor points and set the distances as shown on the image.
Select the two anchor points that are highlighted on the image and move them 6px upwards.
Using the Direct Selection Tool (A) drag the direction lines so they look similar to the ones that are previewed below.

Step 19

In this step we’ll complete the tab bar background by duplicating and mirroring the path that we created in the previous step.
Duplicate the layer and flip it horizontally by going to Edit > Transform Path > Flip Horizontal.
Move the duplicated layer exactly to the bottom right corner of the canvas. One important notice: Make sure that there is no gap between the two shapes.
Now select both layers as shown on the image, right-click and select Merge Shapes.
This should be the resulting shape. As you can see there is a vertical line in the middle of the shape. This means that we have two shapes in one layer which are not fully merged.
Using the Path Selection Tool (A) click on the shape layer, click on the Path Operations button in the Options Bar and select Merge Shape Components. Now you have the two shapes fully merged. Name this layer “Tab Bar Bg.”
If we select the Direct Selection (A) we’ll notice that there are some unnecessary anchor points that were created during the merging of the shapes. Always try to keep your paths clean of unneeded points.
In order to delete these anchor points select the Delete Anchor Point Tool and click on the two anchor points respectively.
Apply the following layer style to “Tab Bar Bg”:

Step 20

In this step we’ll create guides which will help us align the tab bar icons more easily.
Using the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) make a 60px wide selection starting from the left side of the canvas.
Now drag a guide from the left ruler and place it on the right edge of the selection. Make sure that the option for snapping to guides is turned on. You can find this by going to View > Snap To > Guides.
Repeat the previous procedure to place the other guides. Set the distances as shown on the image below.
Drag two horizontal guides from the top ruler and set the distances as shown on the image.

Step 21

Drag the layer “Home” from the icons.psd file.
Using the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) make a selection that snaps to the guides like the ones below.
Using the Move Tool (V) click on the Align Vertical Centers and Align Horizontal Centers buttons in the Options Bar.
Type the text “Home” with the following parameters:
Align the text vertically near the bottom guide and horizontally to the center of the icon.

Step 22

Repeat Step 21 for the other icons and text (Favorites, Playlists and Search). Use the image below for reference.

Step 23

Using the Rectangle Tool (U) draw a shape with the parameters from the image below. Use #5F8F1D and #99B83D for the gradient.
Align the shape so its top edge is touching the upper horizontal guide and horizontally to the center of the tab bar. Name the layer “Now Playing Bg.”
Apply the following layer style:
Drag the layer “Now Playing” from the icons.psd file and change the fill color of the layer to #000000.
Apply the following layer style:
Align the icon horizontally to the center of “Now Playing Bg” and vertically few pixels below its top edge.
Type the text “Now Playing” with the following parameters:
Align the text again horizontally to the center of the button and vertically few pixels below the icon. Copy the layer style from the Now Playing icon.

Step 24

We are finished with the creation of all the elements of the design. But we have one final step left, and that is scaling the file to retina.
Scaling to the retina resolution is very easy and it only takes one step. Go to Image > Image Size and set the values as shown below. Make sure that all of the highlighted parameters are set exactly the same as on the image.
This should be the result after resizing the image to the retina resolution.
Tip:Always try to draw the elements in your designs with vector shapes, just as we did in this tutorial. That way you can easily customize them and you won’t lose on quality when scaling to retina.


In this tutorial, we have shown you how to create an iPhone application interface in Photoshop using its new vector editing capabilities. In addition, we have shown how you can use these techniques to create an iPhone application that is compatible with the original resolution device as well as its retina resolution counterpart.
