

December 28, 2010

::Facebook Emotions ::

Here are some emotions u can use while chatting on Facebook :


Follow the Steps to Create Hidden admin Account in Windows XP

First Goto Start -> Run -> Type regedit -> Enter

In the Left Menu goto,

In the Right pane, Right click -> New -> String Value

Right click on the new String Value and click Rename
Type the Name of the Account you want to hide.
Hit Enter then Right click on the String Value again and Change value to 0 which hides it. If you want it to be Visible to all Enter the Value 1.
Now Save and Exit the Registry and Logoff.
Goto welcome screen and Hit ctrl+alt+del twice to bring up Logon prompt
Type hidden Accounts name and password


Windows XP offers users the ability to retain passwords that the authentication information required to login is automatically pre-populated when the different sites or resources are accessed rather than the user having to enter them each time. Because this requires being logged into the computer in the first place it provides some convenience for the user while remaining more secure than writing everything on a sticky note on the monitor. Unfortunately, it is still counter-productive from a security perspective because anyone who sits down at the computer while it is logged in or gains access to your computer user account will subsequently be able to access all of the various sites and resources as if they were the user because of the cached login credentials.

Windows XP does not offer a very easy way to review or remove the saved passwordsthough. If you follow the steps below though you can access a graphical interface to add, remove or edit the saved passwords on a given system.

1. Click and select Run

2. In the Open field type "rundll32.exe keymgr.dll, KRShowKeyMgr"

3. Once the Stored Usernames and Passwords interface opens you can select any of the entries and select Properties to view the existing information

4. To remove a saved password you can select one of the entries and select Remove. A confirmation screen will appear. Click on OK and the account will be removed

5. You can add additional passwords as well by clicking on the Add button and entering the appropriate information

6. Repeat the steps above as needed to add, remove or edit saved passwords

7. When you are done using the interface click the Close button.

Firefox Addon For Easier Web Designing -"FIREBUG"

Firefox has become the everyday source to open the webpages and its competing Internet Explorer by providing greater and usful means by which the users can make their work easier through Firefox addons.

One such good add on which can make the work easier for the web designers is Firebug.Firebug Firefox Addon is a web development tool which will sho the CSS,HTML & JavaScript of the any website that you are browsing.More precisely if you select a line in the webpage it will also show the respective coding of that segment selected.With this plugin you can edit,debug and monitor CSS,HTML in any webpage.

Firebug open a seprate window or a bar at bottom of your browser and it gives fine-grained control over which websites you want to enable for it.

The following are the others advantages of using Firebug:

Peak into CSS Metrics
Used to measure & illustrate all the offsets,margins,borders,padding,and size of the CSS metrics which are not visible by the naked eye.

Monitor Network Activity
If the page taking time to load which maybe due to large images or JavaScript codes or partner's ads,you can go through each of the files and monitor which is taking more bandwith and so its taking time to load.

Quickly Find Errors
Firebug lets you know what errors are present on the web page and quickly let your fix it when you understand it because its easy y fix error once you get the actual problem.

Get it now:Firebug

::Faster Acrobat Reader ::

Acrobat Reader

Is Acrobat Reader a little slow at loading in Microsoft Windows XP? Well here is how to speed it up!
Go to

C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader(If you do not use drive C: as your hard drive, then change it to your hard drive)

Now create a new folder called


Now all you have to do is to move all your files from


To your new folder


But do not move these files:

EWH32.api, printme.api, and search.api

Ok so now you have all but 3 files in your plug_ins_disabled folder. Good job, you have just made Acrobat Reader load faster in Windows XP!
EnjOy.. :)


:: Password Recovery Disk ::

You should always take a good set of measures to prevent the loss of user level passwords.

Whether or not you remember a password in Windows, it doesn’t really matter. With Windows XP Wizard for forgotten password, your conscience will be free and clear – in case you accidently forgot your password.

I suggest that you create a restore disk with all of your passwords to your account. Why? Because creating a restore disk is simple with the following directions, and if you ever do forget your password, you will have it on a disk. This is a lot easier than any other way there is.

Proceed as follows to the Forgotten Password Wizard:

Simply click on the menu “Start, Control Panel, User Accounts.

Click on your user name.

Under Tasks on the left side, click “Prevent forgotten password” to start the wizard.

Now that you have wizard open, it will take you through the creation of the password restore disk. Make sure the disk is formatted and in your drive. Upon completion of the disk, label and store it somewhere in case of an emergency.

If you have forgotten your password, the only thing you need to do is click your user name in the connection icon on the screen. Even if you are don’t know your password, go ahead and click on the green arrow. It will open a small yellow dialog box that will direct you to use your password recovery CD.