

October 06, 2013

:Five apps to help you track your steps on the iPhone 5S:

Five apps to help you track your steps on the iPhone 5S

The iPhone 5S tracks your daily step count, but doesn't have the option to display totals built into it. You'll need to use an app for that.

The M7 coprocessor in the iPhone 5S is a fancy name for a chip that counts your steps and motion all day, every day. In order to see how many steps you've been taking, you'll need to use an app specifically built for the iPhone 5S and the M7 chip.
While we wait for more developers to integrate the M7 and the stats it keeps into apps, there are currently five apps available that have already integrated with the motion tracker. Here they are in no particular order.

Strava Run
This free app has been around for a while giving runners stats and GPS-created maps of running routes. With the M7 having the capability to discern if someone is walking or running (among other things), it only makes sense for the app to integrate with the new technology.
You won't find your daily step counts in Strava Run; instead you will find that it uses the M7 chip to automatically pause your current activity when you stop running, and provide better accuracy about your run.
Download Strava Run from the App Store.
Argus is more than a simple step counter app in that it also wants you to enter your daily weight, and track meals, water intake, and more. Basically, it's a health app that also happens to use the M7 chip to more accurately count your steps.
The first time you launch Argus, you may be surprised to find that it automatically populate your last week's worth of steps. This is because of the M7 recording and storing this data, regardless of what apps are installed, for the last seven days.
As you'll find with most of the pedometer-type apps that use the M7, there's also the option built into Argus to have your current step count displayed as a notification on the app icon.
Download Argus from the App Store for free
M7 Pedometer - Steps
This free app is built with one purpose: to show you how many steps you take on a daily basis.
It will provide you with your current step count for the day, along with your step count for the last week, and a total for the current year.
You can also view a graph charting your step counts over the last month. If you want to go back to a previous month, just swipe to the right.
With the iPhone 5S and the M7 having only been out for a few weeks now, there isn't a lot of historical information available, but I can see these graphs increasing in value in the future.
Download M7 Pedometer - Steps from the App Store.
Pedometer++ is a bare-bones pedometer app. It displays your current step count for the day, along with the step count for the last seven days, and that's it. You can't share via Twitter or Facebook, and you can't view a graph or even go back in time.
Actually I lied, there is one additional feature built into the app: the ability to display your current step count as a notification on the app icon.
The step count should automatically refresh when you first launch the app, but if for some reason you don't think it has, the developer built in the capability to pull to refresh.
Download Pedometer++ from the App Store.
WeatherRun is the only app that's not free. It'll set you back $1.99, but it provides more than just a step count.
The app was originally designed to help runners better track their runs by providing weather and altitude stats.
With a recent update adding M7 support, WeatherRun will now also show users their daily and monthly step counts, just as the apps above will do.
Download WeatherRun from the App Store.

As someone who wears a Fitbit Flex on a daily basis, I have some questions about the accuracy of the iPhone 5S and the M7 chip.
I've found the step count on my iPhone to be roughly half (if not less) than that tracked by the Fitbit. Granted there are times when I walk around for a few minutes with my iPhone sitting on the desk, but when I have Fitbit telling me I took 5,000 steps yesterday and the iPhone 5S telling me I only took 1,700 steps, something's not right.
Even if you already wear an activity monitor and have an iPhone 5S, download one of the free apps mentioned above and compare the results with the ones from your monitor. What's your experience like?

Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

September 30, 2013

:iPhone 5s Stocks Said To Be Low, Get In The Queue Now If You Want One:

iPhone 5s Stocks Said To Be Low, Get In The Queue Now If You Want One

News has surfaced that supplies of the iPhone 5s are considerably lower than past releases. Carriers and Apple stores alike have both reported that there will be fewer phones available than usual.

iPhone 5s

All Things D has reported that its sources at carrier level have expressed concerns over phones supplies, with one even going as far to say , “We will have grotesquely unavailable inventory.”
According to another report, 70-80 percent of iPhones in stock at Apple stores on Friday will be the iPhone 5C, whilst the silver and gold models of the 5S will be very difficult to come by.
The cause of this shortage has not been commented on officially but with Apple releasing two new handsets at once, as well as the impending release of iOS7, it’s not really surprising that there could be less iPhones to go around.
Another expantion could be that Apple is just saving the bulk of the iPhones for itself, getting more customers to go directly to them when the handset becomes unavailable through carriers, then maybe shoppers will be tempted into other purchases at the same time.
Whatever the reason, if you plan to get your hands on the iPhone 5s on Friday, then choose your queue carefully. Carriers could potentially have shorter lines but less stock, whereas Apple stores will have more stock but longer queues. It’s a tricky one!

Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

:Apple Releases New iMac With Iris Pro:

Apple Releases New iMac With Iris Pro

Following the release of the new iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C, Apple has given its iMac a small revamp. The new release brings Haswell cores from Intel, new NVIDIA Corp. GPUs, improved Fusion drives and more ports.
Last October Apple made major changes to the iMac line, which included a new 5-mm thick aluminum frame. This time round the changes are more subtle but nonetheless contribute to making Apple’s all-in-one (AIO) personal computer a serious contender in the bid for the best value in the market.


Currently Lenovo dominate the AIO PC market after over-taking Apple. So what does the new iMac have to offer? Well the revamped model comes with  8 GB (upgradable two 32 GB for 27-inch, 16 GB for 21.5-inch) of 1600 MHz DDR3 and a 1 terabyte “Fusion” drive, a mostly hard disk hybrid drive with an undisclosed amount of NAND flash onboard (upgradable to 3 TB traditional HDD, a 256 GB SSD, or a 512 GB SSD).
Apple’s AIO PC comes with a wireless “Magic Mouse” and wireless keyboard. It also has 802.11ac Wi-Fi and the following ports:
  •     SDXC card slot
  •     Four USB 3 ports (compatible with USB 2)
  •     Two Thunderbolt ports
  •     Mini DisplayPort output with support for DVI, VGA and dual-link DVI (adapters sold separately)
  •     10/100/1000BASE-T Gigabit Ethernet (RJ-45 connector)
  •     Kensington lock slot
The 21.5-inch model of the iMac, which costs $1,299 comes with the on-die Iris Pro GPU inside the Intel Haswell 2.7 GHz quad-core Core i5- 4570R processor.
Apple claims that it has been able to significantly improve the hardware and firmware of its proprietary Fusion drives, thus making performance 50 percent faster than the previous generation.
Compared to the competition, Apple has priced the new iMacs rather aggressively. Even those who want a Windows 8 AIO can now consider a new iMac via Boot Camp, which supports Windows 8.

Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

September 29, 2013

: How to hack with IP address:

  Did you know how much stuff you can do with an ip address?

There is a plenty of tutorials  that go into how to get an IP Address from the preferred mark of your choice. Now I will not go into that subject. Alright so say we got the targets IP Address finally. What do we do with this IP Address. Well first you should ping the IP Address to make sure that its alive or how we say online. Now at the bottom I will include some links where you can get some key tools that may help on your journey through the electronic jungle. So we need to find places to get inside of the computer so we can start trying to find a way to "hack" that. Port Scanners are used to identify the open ports on a machine thats running on a network, whether its a router, or a desktop computer, they all have ports. Protocols use these ports to communicate with other services and resources on the network.  Well Blues Port Scanner will scan the IP address that you chose and identify open ports that are on the target box. 

Blues Port Scaner you can download from here:

For example:
Idlescan using Zombie <Domain Name> (; Class: Incremental
Interesting ports on
(The 65522 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
Port State Service
21/tcp open ftp
25/tcp open smtp
80/tcp open http
111/tcp open sunrpc
135/tcp open loc-srv
443/tcp open https 1027/tcp open IIS
1030/tcp open iad1
2306/tcp open unknown
5631/tcp open pcanywheredata
7937/tcp open unknown
7938/tcp open unknown
36890/tcp open unknown

In example we see that there are a variety of ports open on this box. Take note of all the ports that you see listed before you. Most of them will be paired up with the type of protocol that uses that port (IE. 80-HTTP 25-SMTP Etc.). Take all that information and paste it into notepad or the editor of your choice. This is the beginning of your targets record. So now we know what ports are open. These are all theoretical points of entry where we could wiggle into the computer system. But we all know its not that easy. Alright so we dont even know what type of software or what operating system that this system is running.

NMAP the Port Scanner has unique OS fingerprinting methods so when the program sees a certain series of ports open it uses its best judgement to guess what operating system its running.

NMAP you can download here:

So we have to figure out what type of software this box is running if we are gonna start hacking the thing right? Many of you have used TELNET for your MUDS and MOOS and weird multiplayer text dungeons and many of you havent even heard of it before period. TELNET is used to open a remote connection to an IP Address through a Port. So this means is we are accessing their computer from across the internet, all we need is their IP address and a port number. With that record you are starting to compile, open a TELNET connection to the IP Address and enter one of the open ports that you found on the target.
So say we typed 'TELNET -o 25' This command will open up a connection through port 25 to the IP Now you may see some text at the very top of the screen. You may think how is text going to help me. Well It will. Get that list you are starting to write, and copy the banners into your compilation of the information youve gathered on your target. Banners/Headers are what you get when you TELNET to the open ports. Heres an example of a banner from port 25.

220 ESMTP Sendmail 8.12.8/8.12.8; Fri, 7 Oct 2005 01:22:29 -0400

Now this is a very important part in the enumeration process. You notice it says 'Sendmail 8.12.8/8.12.8' Well what do you know, we now have discovered a version number. This is where we can start identifying the programs running on the machine. There are some instances in which companies will try and falsify their headers/banners so hackers are unable to find out what programs are truly installed. Now just copy all the banners from all the open ports *Some Ports May Have No Bannners* and organize them in the little record we have of the target. Now we have all the open ports, and a list of the programs running and their version numbers. This is some of the most sensitive information you can come across in the networking world. Other points of interest may be the DNS server, that contains lots of information and if you are able to manipulate it than you can pretend to hotmail, and steal a bunch of peoples email. Well now back to the task. Apart from actual company secrets and secret configurations of the network hardware, you got some good juicy info. is a very good resource for looking up software vulnerabilities. If you cant find any vulnerabilities there, search on google. There are many, many, many other sites that post vulnerabilities that their groups find and their affiliates.

At SecurityFocus you can search through vendor and whatnot to try and find your peice of software, or you can use the search box. When i searched SecurityFocus i found a paper on how Sendmail 8.12.8 had a buffer overflow. There was proof of concept code where they wrote the shellcode and everything, so if you ran the code with the right syntax, a command prompt would just spawn. You should notice a (#) on the line where your code is being typed. That pound symbol means that the command prompt window thats currently open was opened as root. The highest privilage on a UNIX/Linux Box. You have just successfully hacked a box. Now that you have a command shell in front of you, you can start doing whatever you want, delete everything if you want to be a  jerk, however that is not recommended. Maybe leave a text file saying how you did it and that they should patch their system. Whoever they are. And many times the best thing you can do is just lay in the shadows, dont let anyone know what you did. More often than not this is the path you are going to want to take to avoid unwanted visits by the authorities.

There are many types of exploits out there, some are Denial of Service exploits, where you shut down a box, or render an application/process unusable. Called denial of service simply because you are denying a service on someones box to everyone trying to access it. Buffer Overflow exploits are involved when a variable inside some code doesnt have any input validation. Each letter you enter in for the string variable will be 1 byte long. Now where the variables are located at when they are in use by a program is called the buffer. Now what do you think overflowing the buffer means. We overflow the buffer so we can get to a totally different memory address. Then people write whats called shellcode in hex. This shellcode is what returns that command prompt when you run the exploit. That wasnt the best description of a buffer overflow, however all you need to remember is that garbage data fills up the data registers so then the buffer overflows and allows for remote execution of almost every command available. There are many, many other types of attacks that cannot all be described here, like man-in-the-middle attacks where you spoof who you are. Performed correctly, the slave will enter and his connection will be redirected to your site where you can make a username and password box, make the site look legit. And your poor mark will enter their credentials into your site, when they think its really You need to have a small script set up so it will automatiically display like an error or something once they try and log in with their credentials. This makes it seem like the site is down and the slave doenst give it a second thought and will simply try again later.

So as a summary of how to own a box when you only have an IP Address
Method Works On both *Nix and Windoze

You can do the same with domain names (IE than what you can with IP Addresses. Run a whois Lookup or something along those lines. Or check up on InterNIC you should be able to resolve the domain name to an IP address.

- Port Scan The Address And Record Open Ports
- Telnet To Open Ports To Identify Software Running On Ports

netcat - Network swiss army knife. Like TELNET only better and with a lot more functionality. Both can be used when you are trying to fingerprint software on open ports

- Record Banners And Take Note Of The Application Running and The Version Number
- Take A Gander Online At or If you cant find any vulnerabilities then search google.
- Make a copy of some Proof-Of-Concept code for the vulnerability.

I will not teach you how to cover your track. This is prohibited and i put that here only for informational reasons.

Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

September 19, 2013

:BBM for iOS and Android Release Date:

BBM for iOS Release Date

BlackBerry Messenger is close to becoming a cross-platform messaging service for the first time, but when will you be able to download the app on your Android and iOS devices? BlackBerry has been pretty quiet about launch dates up until now, but a new rumor claims BBM will hit Google Play this Friday, September 20, before landing on the App Store a day later.
Indonesian website TeknoUp has published an invite to a BBM launch event in Jakarta at 12 p.m. local time on Thursday, September 19. BlackBerry is expected to confirm at the event that BBM for Android and iOS will be available before the end of the week.
 We cannot confirm the invitation is genuine, and we’re yet to hear about similar events in the U.S. or Canada — but CrackBerry has also received some dates for BBM’s cross-platform launch, and they line up perfectly. Here’s what you can expect, then, according to CrackBerry:
  • Friday, Sept 20th, 7am EST: Android version published on Google Play
  • Friday, Sept 20th, 7am EST: goes live
  • Friday, Sept 20th, 7am EST: CRM messages sent out to pre-registrants
  • Saturday, Sept 21th: BBM on iOS becomes available 12:01 am EST, Saturday Sept 21st in local time zones.
  • Saturday, Sept 20th, 7am EST: Follow-up CRM message sent out after full App Store deployment
We had suspected that BlackBerry might wait until after Apple has launched its new iPhones before launching BBM for Android and iOS, but clearly it’s not too concerned about the news being buried under iPhone reviews and related stories.
So, if you’re lucky enough to be picking up a new iPhone on Friday, it looks like you’ll be able to use BBM on it the following day

Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

September 14, 2013

:You can now pre-order the Apple iPhone 5c, starting at $99:

You can now pre-order the Apple iPhone 5c, starting at $99 only on contract

Just as announced on stage, the iPhone 5c is becoming available for pre-order as we speak.
Currently Apple is offering it on its website and taking pre-orders starting from $99 for 16 GB model and $199 for the 32 GB one. All colors are available as well as a non-contract SIM-free version from T-Mobile for $549 and $649 (16/32 gig). Delivery starts from September 20

AT&T has the pre-orders up as well with the same $99 or $199 pricing duo as well as a $22 a month for 20 months option for the 16 GB and $27 for the 32 GB model via AT&T Next.
Verizon offers a monthly payment plan via its Verizon Edge. The iPhone 5c will be $23.06 or $27.15 depending on your storage choice.
T-Mobile has the iPhone 5c for $22 for 24 months and no upfront cost for the 16 GB model and the same $22 for two years for the 32 GB model only with $99 upfront.
China, Australia, Canada, Japan, Singapore as well as France, Germany and the UK expect the device to go on pre-order today as well.

Bugs Of Techn0l0gy