

February 25, 2014

:Google: All New Android Phones Must Ship With KitKat:

Google: All New Android Phones Must Ship With KitKat

According to MobileBloom, a leaked memo has been identified, stating that all Android smartphones will have to run KitKat or else Google will not endorse the handset.  The Android memo is the first sign that Google is finally sorting the problem it has with fragmentation.  Because Google offers hundreds of phones to customers from many manufacturers across the world, Google’s operating system is swiftly becoming fragmented.  This issue is one of the top objections the operating system receives from application developers.
Apparently, the memo was sent from the Android team to its top OEM partners: Sony, Samsung, HTC, and LG who are all original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) for Google.  “Starting February 2014, Google will no longer approved GMS distribution on new Android products that ship older platform releases,” the memo states. “Each platform release will have a ‘GMS approval window’ that typically closes nine months after the next Android platform release is publicly available.”  Any handset that does not get approval from Google Mobile Services (GMS) will not be able to ship with Google’s main applications which include Now, Maps and Google Play store.

Give us a break Google!

Does this mean the end of all budget Android phones?  It could be! If real, the memo could mean an end to cheap  Android handsets and increase the price of middle of the road smartphones.  KitKat also has higher minimum specifications than foregoing operating systems.  This may mean that phones like the Samsung Galaxy core are no longer possible.  It has been said that KitKat has been coded to work better on lower powered smartphones. However, this could still have enough of a knock on effect to possibly  give the developing market to opponents such as Mozilla’s FireFox and Tizen.
Last year, Android CEO Sundar Pichai said him and his team were working on solutions for Android fragmentation. Figures showed, at the end of January 2014, that approximately 1.4 per cent of all Android smartphones were running the latest version of the operating system. While in contrast, over 80 per cent of iPhones were running iOS7, Apple’s latest operating system.  Android released KitKat just weeks after iOS 7 was released for Apple’s devices.  It is uncertain how Nokia will be affected as they use older versions of Android. We will just have to wait and see. 
As always, if you have any sensible comments regarding this story, please leave your comments in the section below.
Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

:WhatsApp Goes Down Following $19 Billion Facebook Buy-Out:

WhatsApp Goes Down Following $19 Billion Facebook Buy-Out

Last week Facebook announced that it is acquiring the messaging company WhatsApp for an approximate total of $16 billion. Included in the deal is $4 billion in cash, $12 billion of Facebook shares and an extra $3 billion in restricted stock units which will be granted to WhatApp’s founders and employees.
In spending so much money you can only imagine Mark Zuckerberg’s frustration when, on Saturday afternoon WhatsApp went down for over three hours, leaving its users unable to access the app.

Whatsapp and facebook

WhatsApp was quick to respond to the issue and announced that it was suffering from “server issues”. However after the prolonged period of time users took to Twitter to vent their frustrations, with some comments saying: “Mark Zuckerberg please do us a favor. Never buy Twitter,” and, “Thanks Zuckerberg for re-uniting families tonight!”
This is not the first time that the messaging giant has gone down, with reports claiming that crashes occur nearly once a month. Yet with the spotlight shining brightly on the app since the acquisition announcement, this occurrence has certainly received more press than any other incident.
WhatsApp currently has over 450 million users, with 70 percent of these actively using the service every day. In a blog post Facebook outlined the reasons for the deal, saying that the two companies have a “shared mission to bring more connectivity and utility to the world by delivering core internet services efficiently and affordably.”
The announcement also outlined plans to allow WhatsApp to continue to operate independently whilst retaining the brand. “WhatsApp is on a path to connect 1 billion people. The services that reach that milestone are all incredibly valuable,” said Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder and CEO. “I’ve known Jan for a long time and I’m excited to partner with him and his team to make the world more open and connected.
Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

:Microsoft To Slash Windows 8.1 Price By 70 Percent:

Microsoft To Slash Windows 8.1 Price By 70 Percent

Whether you rant or rave about the merits (or lack thereof) of the Windows operating system, there is no doubt that it contributes largely to the cost of a new computer. When manufacturers ship their devices with Windows pre-installed, they have to pay for the license, which Microsoft dictates, of course.
Based on a report by Bloomberg, Microsoft is making some concessions in this regard by slashing the license price of Windows 8.1 by a huge 70 percent, from what is usually $50 to $15.

Microsoft To Slash Windows 8.1 Price By 70 Percent

While those numbers are no doubt eye catching, there is one very important detail to reveal: This “discount” will only be applied to low-end devices, in particular, devices that for for less than $250.
According to the source of the report, the heavily discounted price will be applicable to all and any kind of devices, as long as they meet that retail price limit.

So what’s up with this move now? Are consumers going to directly benefit from the discount? The savings should somehow be passed on to the consumer, sure, but analysts are thinking that the rationale underlying this move of Microsoft’s is simple economics and competition.

They say that by heavily lowering the price of Windows 8.1 (for low-end devices – this can’t be emphasized enough), Microsoft has given itself a fighting chance with computer manufacturers; a fighting chance against competitors who offer cheaper wares (read: Google’s Chromebooks).

Then there’s all that talk about how the adoption rate of Windows 8.1 not being all that good, and Microsoft taking on an aggressive stance in pushing people to get off Windows XP.

With this discount, Microsoft may indeed be increasing its chances of getting the software pre-installed on more devices, devices that will cater to more people considering the lower prices involved.

One last thing that ought to be considered, though, is that Microsoft also offers incentives (for example, marketing funds) for large computer manufacturers, so they in fact pay less than $50 for the license. With this new pricing, though, the incentives will not be applicable anymoreEnjOy..:)
Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

:Samsung Galaxy S5 launch in MWC 2014:

Live: Samsung Galaxy S5 launch in MWC 2014

Live updates of the Samsung Galaxy S5 launch from MWC 2014:

1.20 am:
The Galaxy S5 has a larger screen than its predecessor, at 5.1 inches (12.95 cm), instead of 5 inches, and a sharper camera, with a resolution of 16 megapixels, up from 13 megapixels.
1: 15 am: Davind Park of Samsung briefing about technical specifications of Samsung Galaxy S5.
01:00am: Jean-Daniel Ayme of a European telecommunications body speaking about Samsung Galaxy S5 features on stage.
00: 45 am: The Samsung Galaxy S5 features a 5.1-inch display with a 1080x1920 pixel full-HD resolution. Powered by an unnamed 2.5GHz quad-core processor, it also have 2GB RAM, and runs on Android 4.4.2 KitKat.
Sony unveiled a new waterproof phone that can take ultra-high-definition video. Nokia introduced three Android smartphones aimed at emerging markets. And Lenovo announced one with an all-glass exterior.
Yet most of the attention will be on Samsung, is expected to announce a successor to its flagship Galaxy S4 smartphone at MWC 2014. That's bad news for all the other phone makers trying to get noticed at the Mobile World Congress wireless show, which opened Monday in Barcelona, Spain.
"It's increasingly difficult to get attention for your mobile device in a very crowded marketplace," said Dan Hays, US wireless advisory leader at the consulting firm PwC.
It's even more difficult when one of the competing devices comes from Samsung Electronics Co., which already announced two new computerized wristwatches on Sunday. Apple is the only company that might be able to overshadow Samsung, but it isn't attending or announcing anything at the show.
Samsung is "going to take the oxygen out of the room," said Roger Entner, an analyst with the Recon Analytics research firm in Boston.
Entner said the S4 and its predecessor, the Galaxy S III, were both blockbuster phones and have helped Samsung surpass iPhone maker Apple Inc. as the world's largest smartphone maker. According to Gartner, Samsung had a 31 per cent market share last year, compared with 16 per cent for Apple. No other company had more than 5 percent.
More important than having well-made phones, however, "is that they are spending a significant amount on advertising," Entner said.
Samsung spent nearly 4.6 trillion won ($4.3 billion) in advertising in the 12 months through September, about four times the $1.1 billion Apple spent in the same period, the latest for which figures were available. Although Samsung also makes TVs, refrigerators and other products, analysts believe much of the marketing is for newer products such as phones.
In a November interview with The Associated Press, Motorola Mobility CEO Dennis Woodside said Samsung has shown "that marketing can really create a product and create a phenomenon. We're never going to have the money that they have to market our products."
The only other company that comes close to matching Samsung's muscle is Apple. The iPhone's debut in 2007 showed the world that phones can do much more than calls and messages. Since then, each new iPhone release has taken on an aura of a rock concert, with the most devoted Apple fans lining up at stores for hours or days to buy one.
Apple typically skips trade shows, however, and prefers holding its own events.
In fact, Samsung also typically holds its own events. Last year's Galaxy S4 announcement came in New York a few weeks after the Barcelona show. But timing this year's unveiling to the show is a good opportunity for Samsung to make deals with wireless carriers and other partners.
Sony Mobile president Kunimasa Suzuki said that with Apple and Samsung so dominant, the real battle is for No. 3. He said that means marketing that is focused by country and product line.
"It doesn't mean we just directly compete with the big giants," he said in an interview Monday.
Despite all the marketing power, Samsung will have to give people a reason to upgrade. It must shatter the notion that phone improvements these days are incremental rather than innovative, said Will Stofega, program director for mobile phones with research firm IDC.
In the past, Samsung has tried to appear innovative by packing its Android phones with a slew of features, such as automatic scrolling of content when the phone or user's head is tilted. But these features don't always work as promised and come across as disjointed from one another.
People will be looking for Samsung to "really redesign and create an experience that feels less packed," Stofega said.
Samsung also has been updating phones by making their screens larger. The S4's display measures 5 inches diagonally, compared with 4.8 inches on the S III and 4 inches on the original S from 2010. The iPhone's screen has stayed steady at 4 inches since 2012.
Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

February 24, 2014

:Microsoft announces nine new manufacturing partners for Windows Phone:

Microsoft announces nine new manufacturing partners for Windows Phone

There will likely be a deluge of new Windows Phone handsets hitting the markets as Microsoft announces nine new manufacturing partners.

logo windows phone Microsoft announces nine new manufacturing partners for Windows Phone

When Satya Nadella announced that Microsoft’s strategy going forward would be mobile first, he wasn’t kidding. Microsoft today announced nine new manufacturing partners to Windows Phone, which brings the total list of manufacturers to thirteen.

Among the new partners are LG and Lenovo, two of the biggest names in manufacturing. Microsoft is also focusing its attention on markets like China and India by bringing Foxconn, Gionee, Karbonn Mobiles and Xolo on-board. Manufacturers like Huawei and ZTE have manufactured Windows Phone handsets before, but have since weaned off the platform, like most other manufacturers.

With Nokia’s acquisition in the final stages, Microsoft needs a strong presence in these countries. In China, Windows Phone is well-catered to, as it now has Foxconn, Gionee, HTC, Huawei, Lenovo and ZTE in addition to Samsung and LG as manufacturers set to launch new handsets. However, the lack of Indian manufacturer Micromax from the list is disconcerting, considering that the other two biggest Indian manufacturers, Karbonn Mobiles and Xolo (a wholly owned subsidiary of Lava Mobiles) are included. Micromax is said to be working on a Windows Phone device that was scheduled to launch later this year. Whatever the case might be, it Microsoft is widening its reach by adding new hardware manufacturers.

In addition to new vendors, Microsoft also announced that Windows Phone devices will now support Qualcomm hardware like the Snapdragon 200, 400 and 400 LTE. Furthermore, the platform is said to add functionality for dual-SIM devices, with Live Tiles for each SIM. The first dual-SIM Windows Phone device will likely be the Nokia Lumia 630. With an increased focus on low-end dual-SIM based devices, it is clear that Microsoft is targeting emerging markets.
Bugs Of Techn0l0gy

:iPhone 5S battery balloons and catches fires unexpectedly:

iPhone 5S battery balloons and catches fires unexpectedly

An iPhone 5S user has posted pictures online of his device that caught fire while in use and eventually exploded.
iphone 5s burning 3 iPhone 5S battery balloons and catches fires unexpectedly

Only recently it was reported that a student’s iPhone 5C caught fire when it was doing absolutely nothing in her pocket, causing her second degree burns in the process. Photos of a somewhat similar incident have been posted online, the source claims that he was using the iPhone 5S to browse Facebook when out of the blue the battery started to inflate. He also claims that the phone wasn’t open, wasn’t being charged and that it had no damage prior to this incident.
iphone 5s burning 1 iPhone 5S battery balloons and catches fires unexpectedly
Apparently as soon as the battery started to inflate, it pushed up the screen so much so that he was able to grab a hold of it and rip it off with a fair bit of force, with the screws ripping out of the threads. He claims that smoke billowed from the battery for a good three minutes while he took the EMI shields off in a bid to disconnect the battery to remove it and take it outside.
 iPhone 5S battery balloons and catches fires unexpectedly
One might question just how he was able to take pictures when all this was happening. The source says that he doesn’t use the iPhone as his primary device, ”I use the iPhone for everything else other then (sic) texting and calling,” he says. Apple hasn’t commented on this incident as yet but apparently they did request him to take pictures and sent it to them. Its unclear what may have caused this incident, previous cases have often been triggered by faulty chargers or unauthorized accessories, that doesn’t appear to be the problem this time around.

Bugs Of Techn0l0gy