

July 15, 2011

::Make Your own Windows Shut Down Timer::

Make Your own Windows Shut Down Timer

Here it goes :

Step 1.
Right Click on your desktop and Select "New -> Shortcut".

Step 2.
In the box that says "Type the location of the item",
type in "shutdown -s -t 120" without the quotation marks and click next.

Note : Exclamation 120 are the amount of seconds before your computer shuts down. i.e.= 2 Min. & ofcourse you can change that time according to your preferences but Always Convert it into Seconds. If u want ur PC to Shutdown after 1 Hour i.e. 60 Mins. Simply multiply it with Seconds (60mins*60Secs=3600secs) So, Now you'll have 2 put 3600 instead of 120 in the above code.

Step 3.
Make up a name for the shortcut and you're done.
You can change the icon by right clicking->properities->change icon-> browse.

Now when you'll Click that Shortcut your Shutdown Timer Will start Automatically Wink.

More Info:
To abort the shutdown timer just create another shortcut and make the "location of the item" to "shutdown -a" without the quotes.
