

March 10, 2012

Changed Google Policy and Safer internet Browsing

Changed Google Policy and Safer internet Browsing

I hope you all have noticed the yellow box that appears as you search something on Google and just in case you have missed out, Its because Google has changed its privacy policy that will be affected from 1st of March 2012.

With this changed policy now Google reserves the right to view your navigations and even follow your activities even on sites as famous as Youtube, Gmail or even the main Search Engine.  But there is one SERIOUS limitation with the changed policy, that It does not work until you are logged into the Google account.
Who will be effected most by this ? The people who would be affected the most are the Android Users who are always logged in into the Gmail accounts to use the Android at its extreme. That means they cannot access ANDROID MARKET  Yeah no Android Market means a useless Dumb device that can make calls play music and surf web with the pre-installed applications.
The Google officials says that there is no point in backing out from the new policy so everyone who used Google is bound to follow it  after 1st March 2012.
But the bright part about this changed policy is that Google is trying to make your Internet experience safer and  simplified. What Google officials are saying that is that even after all these changed policies your personal information is still safe and won’t be compromised at any cost.
For the details about how Google will use your information , check Goole Privacy Policy.
Tips for the Safe Browsing:
  • Never Search for your personal information in the Search Engines i.e. Your Credit card numbers, your name, and other important personal information. All these thing can lead a way to you, and can also reveal your intensity to the possible hackers.
  • Never use your ISP’s search engine as your ISP knows who you are so they can easily track you.
  • Don’t login into the search engines, like Gmail on the very right top check if you are logged in. All your information is being monitored if you are logged in.

  • Block Cookies for your search engines.
  • Always use dynamic IP address, that will vary you every time you are connected to Internet.
  • Use proxy servers if possible.