

February 23, 2014

::WhatsApp Goes Down Indefinitely, Social Media Explodes::

I was in the middle of a conversation on WhatsApp just an hour back when I realised that the messages had stopped going through. While I was led into believing that my internet connection was probably messed up, I went on to Twitter. Only to find #R.I.P WhatsApp trending worldwide, which proves it that WhatsApp indeed is down indefinitely as of right now.

The social media has exploded over the situation as we speak. Everyone has an opinion of their own, rather conclusions, towards this situation. A majority seems to be believing that Facebook intends to meddle with WhatsApp’s operations and quite possibly harm them, or according to the masses, shut them down. Let’s show you some of the more interesting, and outrageous Tweets and posts over Twitter and Facebook.
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WhatsApp Goes Down Indefinitely, Social Media Explodes - See more at:
WhatsApp Goes Down Indefinitely, Social Media Explodes
I was in the middle of a conversation on WhatsApp just an hour back when I realised that the messages had stopped going through. While I was led into believing that my internet connection was probably messed up, I went on to Twitter. Only to find #R.I.P WhatsApp trending worldwide, which proves it that WhatsApp indeed is down indefinitely as of right now.

The social media has exploded over the situation as we speak. Everyone has an opinion of their own, rather conclusions, towards this situation. A majority seems to be believing that Facebook intends to meddle with WhatsApp’s operations and quite possibly harm them, or according to the masses, shut them down. Let’s show you some of the more interesting, and outrageous Tweets and posts over Twitter and Facebook.

I was in the middle of a conversation on WhatsApp just an hour back when I realised that the messages had stopped going through. While I was led into believing that my internet connection was probably messed up, I went on to Twitter. Only to find #R.I.P WhatsApp trending worldwide, which proves it that WhatsApp indeed is down indefinitely as of right now.

The social media has exploded over the situation as we speak. Everyone has an opinion of their own, rather conclusions, towards this situation. A majority seems to be believing that Facebook intends to meddle with WhatsApp’s operations and quite possibly harm them, or according to the masses, shut them down. Let’s show you some of the more interesting, and outrageous Tweets and posts over Twitter and Facebook.
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I was in the middle of a conversation on WhatsApp just an hour back when I realised that the messages had stopped going through. While I was led into believing that my internet connection was probably messed up, I went on to Twitter. Only to find #R.I.P WhatsApp trending worldwide, which proves it that WhatsApp indeed is down indefinitely as of right now.

The social media has exploded over the situation as we speak. Everyone has an opinion of their own, rather conclusions, towards this situation. A majority seems to be believing that Facebook intends to meddle with WhatsApp’s operations and quite possibly harm them, or according to the masses, shut them down. Let’s show you some of the more interesting, and outrageous Tweets and posts over Twitter and Facebook.
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